Its Over

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For madjog All the love. xxx

Everything was good in the beginning ... we were happy, in love.

*flashback -- two years ago*

"Harry!" I shouted, looking over my shoulder to see him right behind me. I shriek and look forward again, then I'm grabbed by the waist and pulled against a hard chest. I scream a laugh and Harry pushes me on the ground, climbing on top of me and pinning my arms over my head. He then starts to tickle me, making me squirm and squeal underneath him. "S-sto-oop H-Haarrrry!"

"This is what you get for not kissing me," he responds.

"I'll kiss you!" I shout. He stops tickling me and I open my eyes to see him smirking down at me. He leans down and presses his lips hard against mine, sending butterflies through my body. I love when he kisses me, his soft lips move against mine with such passion it drives me over the edge.

*one year ago*

I nuzzle my face into Harry's warm bare chest, hiding from the sunlight streaming through the blinds. Vibrations move through his chest, into my body as he chuckles. His arm tightens around my waist, pulling our naked bodies closer together.

"Morning love," he says in a husky voice, making me smile.

"Hi," I sigh, rolling away to try and get up.

"Where are you going?" He whines, grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"I have to pee," I say, pushing him away. I struggle to get loose, Harry swiftly moves and sits on top of me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not letting you leave," he says, leaning down and kissing my collarbone. I pout my lip at him but he just chuckle and pins my wrists above my head. He leans down and bites my lip, making me giggle, and sucks on it softly.

He pulls away after a bit and leans up slightly, gazing over my features. I stare up at him, watching him look over every inch of my body he can see. "I love you Victoria."

"I love you Harry," I answer softly.

*end flashback*

Now though ... it's all a big mess. All we do is fight.

*flashback -- three months ago*

"Nothing happened!" Harry shouts.

"Well obviously something did if you're all over Twitter!" I shout back. He just got home from tour and while he was in New York he went to a club. There were pictures all over everywhere of him and a girl, pressed into a corner.

"Why don't you ever listen to me!" He screams. "I'm the one that's telling the truth! I'm the one that would know what happened!"

"Everyone saw you Harry!" I counter. "I've been nothing but patient with you for two years. I've trusted you every time there was a picture with you and some whore, but this time people saw you kiss her."

"Those are my fans and I don't appreciate you talking about them like that!" He screams not even denying it.

*end flashback*

Harry was supposed to be home seven hours ago. We were going to have a date night. The front door creaks open and I hear soft footsteps clumsily tiptoeing into the house.

"I thought you were gonna be home at 8,"
I say, flipping the light on. Harry freezes, swaying side to side and I know that he's drunk.

"I got held up," he attempts to seem sober. We haven't seen each other in a month and the second he arrives home he goes off to a club. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's 3 in the morning," I stand up, walking toward him.

"Well I'mssn dault," he slurs. "I can do whast I wan."

"I never see you anymore Harry," I say loudly.

"I need some time!" He yells, seeming to sober up.

"You're always gone!" I shout back. "Doesn't that give you enough time alone?"

"You knew this is how my life was going to be when we started dating!" He yells stepping toward me.

"All I'm asking is for you to keep the dates we make!" I shout in anger. "You've stood me up at least 10 times and I'm sick of it! I'm tired of dating myself while you go out with your boys and get drunk! We never spend time together! We never text or call! We haven't even had sex in 4 months!"

"We had sex tonight!" He shouts and I gasp.

"No we didn't!" I say in a normal tone of voice, my heart breaking with every word. "We haven't slept together in 4 months, we hardly even kiss anymore. If you believe we had sex tonight then that means you went to a club and hooked up with a stranger. You cheated on me Harry!"

"Well maybe if you didn't have a stick up your arse, I wouldn't have to sleep with other girls!"
He counters breaking my heart completely.

"How many times has this happened?" I ask in a small voice.

"A lot," he answers loudly, opening his arms in a defeat/come at me bro way.

"I can't do this anymore Harry," I sigh, tears filling my eyes and slipping down my cheeks.

"What?" He hisses, taking a step closer.

"I'm not happy. I don't like what we have going on here," I respond sadly. "You can sleep with whoever you want now, because we're done."

I turn and race up the stairs, going straight to our room and throwing any clothes I can fit into my duffle. I go back down stairs and see him sitting on the couch like nothing happened.

"Goodbye Harry," I say. "I'll come back when you're gone and get the rest of my things."

He says nothing and I walk away, closing the door on two years of my life and the man I love.


So ... I've never ever ever wrote anything like that before, so if it sucks ass, I apologize. Love you tho! xx

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