April 18

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For Cindy_Oudommahavanh All the love. K

"Cindy Phimthong Oudommahavanh! Get your ass down here right now!" Harry shouts at me.

"You're yelling is not going to make me go any faster," I tease, shouting down at him. We're going out today, for our two year anniversary. I love Harry so much, but I'm slightly upset he hasn't taken our relationship farther. I thought he would have asked me to marry him by now, but no such luck.

I slip on my heels, that don't really help my 5'1" height, and my black hair in the mirror. When I'm satisfied with how it looks, I walk down the stairs where Harry has been sitting on the couch, yelling at me for the past twelve minutes.

"Took you long enough," he rolls his eyes playfully.

"I got ready in half an hour," I shove his shoulder when he gets close to me. "That' faster than you on most days."

He just chuckles and leans closer, kissing my lips. I melt into his touch, becoming compliant in his hands. He breaks the kiss, and pecks my lips several more times before pulling away completely and grabbing my hand.

"You look lovely babe," he says in that silk smooth voice that gets me every time.

"Thank you dear," I smile bashfully.


The restaurant is quite and romantic. We have a nice meal, just us and the peaceful atmosphere. I can't seem to stop blushing. It's the most perfect two year anniversary ever, but something is holding me back. I can't help but feel heartsick over it. I want so much more with him. I want us to get married and start a family, and live happily ever after.

Harry takes me for a walk along Albert Embankment after dinner. The street lights sparkle in the river, and the moon shines down on us brightly. I stop and look at the bridge, Harry comes behind me and circles his arms around my waist. I lean back into him, basking in his warmth.

"Harry?" I ask after a minute. His chest rumbles as he makes a noise of acknowledgment. "Where are we going?"

"Well I thought we would go home after this," he start but I turn around to face him, stepping out of his arms.

"No, this," I gesture between us. "Us?"

He cocks his head to the side, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"Harry I love you so much, with everything I'm made of," I begin, grabbing the front of his jacket in my fists. "We've been together for 2 years and that's amazing! We've had an extraordinary time together, but isn't there something more?"

He doesn't respond, just stares at me for a minute. I sigh and step away from him.

"I love you Harry, but if you this is going nowhere, then I can't do it anymore," my voice cracks and my eyes start to water. "Come find me when you figure out what you want."

I turn and begin walking away. I wipe the tears from my eyes and sniffle.

"Cindy wait!" Harry shouts and I turn to look at him.

He runs to me and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me in the air. My arms circle his neck and I squeeze my eyes shut tight. He buries his face in my neck and I feel a wetness there.

"Haz?" I ask, pulling away slightly. He tightens his grip and presses his lips to my neck, over and over.

"I love you," he mumbles.

He whispers sweet nothings while kissing all over my neck and collarbone. One of his hands slides down to my thighs and he lifts my dress up and pulls my leg around to circle his waist. I get the message and wrap my legs around him, linking my ankles in the back. One hand grips my thigh while the other tightens on my waist.

"I'm sorry love," he says after a while. "I'm just scared."

"Scared of what?" I ask softly. He walks over to a bench and takes a seat, keeping me straddling his lap.

"I don't want to lose you," he sniffles. I press a kiss to his jaw but remain silent, knowing he'll continue when he's ready. "I just ... my parents go married young, and almost everyone I know that got married young, is divorced. I don't, I can't lose you Cindy. You are so important to me, I love you so much."

I pull back and attach our lips in a sweet, passionate kiss. Harry whimpers under me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me tight against him.

"Baby, we're not them, we're not your parents," I say, brushing his hair off his face. My fingertips trail over his features softly, causing his watery eyes to flutter shut. "We are amazing together, we understand each other. Nothing outside of us, will split us up, but Harry, I at least need to know we are on the same page. If you want to wait, we'll wait, but I don't want you to be scared, or hold off on being happy because of what happened with someone else. We're going to have our own experiences and our own adventures and create our own ending."

He nods and pouts his lip adorably.

"Just trust me," I whisper, pecking his lips. "Talk to me love."

"I love you," he sighs against my lips.

"I love you," I say and he kisses me. A slow passionate kiss, filled slightly with desperation. I return the feeling, showing him just how much I mean my words. This is the start of the rest of our lives, and I just know we're going to live happily ever after.


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