Surprise Visit [part 2]

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"Hey Lou," I walk up to her. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of Course," she gives me her full attention. I take a deep breath.

"I've been having a rough time since we went public, a couple months ago. I try not to let the hate bother me but sometimes it's unavoidable. Harry doesn't see what people say, I try not to bother him with it. He's so busy all the time," I tell her.

"It'll get better," she puts her arm around my shoulders. "You just have to give them a chance. They'll learn to love you," I look at her and nod, blinking to hold back the tears.

"It's only been two months." she gives me a sad smile.

"Do you think I should tell Harry about the hate and stuff on twitter?" I feel the tears starting to spill down my face.

"It would be easier to bear if he knew," I nod and she hugs me. "But you are right he does worry a lot. You could talk to one of the other boys, they all love you and would help you get through this, and then when the time is right you can tell Harry. But I think he would want to know right away. It may distract him more but the boys will help him. Their girls get hate all the time too."

"Okay," I take a deep breath and step out of the hug. "Thank you Lou," I smile at her.

"No problem hon," she hugs me again, then I leave the room stopping by the bathroom to hide any signs I was crying before going back to the dressing room.

"There you are," Harry states as I walk through the door. "We are just about to leave for the hotel."

"Well I drove here so I'll just meet you there" Harry give me a sad pouty look. "Unless you want to come with me," I grin slyly at him.

"Oh please Paul can I?" Harry runs over to Paul.

"Okay but straight to the hotel," he says strictly.

"After a small detour, absolutely," I say seriously, nodding my head in agreement.

"No," Paul says standing menacingly.

"Please, I'm starving!" I plead. "No one will even see us. Have a guard bring my car around and we can sneak out."

"Wait. You're going to eat?" Niall interrupts.

"Yes Niall," I say matter of factly. "Yes we are."

"Well then I'm coming. Where are we going?" He asks excitedly.

"Me too!" the other boys add.

"Wait. You can't all go out by yourselves," Paul protests.

"Paul," Niall says. "It'll be okay."

"We'll just go to like Denny's or something. There's like four in this area alone or we could go closer to the boarder there will be less people down there it's like 15 minutes away," I say trying to convince him. Paul mulls this over for a few minutes, eventually deciding.

"Okay but I need to know where you go and when you'll be back. Pick a more remote place."

"Thank you Paul!" all the boys shout then run over and squish me in a group hug. One of the guards pulls my car around the back and all six of us squeeze into my Audi. We drive to a calmer part of town and stop at a Denny's. The boys are all laughing and shoving as we go in. I text Paul and tell him where we are. There are about five people in here eating which makes this even more fantastic. Niall and Louis start wrestling and Liam tries to pull them apart.

"Hi," I say to the hostess laughing a little as she glances behind me, raising an eyebrow. "There are six of us, and can we get a corner booth?"

She nods and leads us to our seats. We all sit down, I'm in the middle with Harry on one side and Liam on my other. The boys are so happy to be out of the hotel and the bus. We eat and chat, and I just sit there listening to them and enjoying being with them.

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