Actress [part 1]

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You're an actress.

"Hi love," Harry and the boys have been on tour for two weeks.

"Hi babe," I smile into the phone. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," he sounds sad. "I miss you."

"I miss you," I say softly. We are quiet for a minute just enjoying each other.

"I got the part for that romantic comedy," I tell him excitedly.

"Oh my gosh," he says just as excitedly. "Y/N that is incredible. Congratulations."

"Thanks honey," I smile. "I have to have an English accent though and I'm really nervous."

"You can do it love," he giggles. "Hold on,"

I hear him call the boys and then I hear movement.

"Okay love," he says finally. "I put you on speaker with the lads. Give us your accent."

"Well what do you want me to say?" I say in an English accent.

"Tell us some of your lines," Niall suggests.

"Where are you supposed to be from?" Liam asks.

"My character is from Manchester," I continue the conversation in the accent.

"Well what is the story line?" Louis asks.

"Well I'm on holiday in Rome and I meet a guy and we start talking but then I have to return to England and a couple months later he comes to Manchester and we run into each other and fall in love and stuff," I tell them. "That is pretty much the gist of it."

"Well I think your accent sounds pretty good so far," Liam says. "Just keep practicing. Watch some English movies."

"Who is the guy?" Harry asks nonchalantly. I sigh because this is how all my relationships end.

"Josh Hutcherson," I say softly. There is a moment of silence that feels like forever but is probably only seconds.

"Well that will be fun," he says casually.

"Huh?" I say confusedly.

"He's a great guy," Harry says. "I'm sure you will have fun."

"Um ... Yeah," I say trying to act normal and not let my insecurities show through. "I'm excited. I've not done a lot of Romantic Comedies but it'll be fun."

"I'm sure you'll be wonderful," Liam says comforting me.

"Well thank you guys," I say softly. "I really appreciate your help. Louis can I talk with you?"

"Uh, yeah," there is movement then Louis voice comes through clear. "Y/N are you alright?"

"How did Harry look when I said who was playing the other role?" I continue my accent.

"What do you mean?" Louis asks confused.

"His expression. Did he seem jealous or angry or was he really okay with it?"

"He looked," he pauses in remembrance. "Neutral. He only seemed excited for you the whole time."

"Really?" I ask hopeful.

"Yes, Y/N, is everything alright?" Louis asks concerned.

"Well, honestly," I sigh. "I've never had a boyfriend who was just okay with me kissing other guys when I work. Sure they've all been supportive of my career but when I mention a guy I might have to kiss and stuff they freak out and start yelling like 'How many times do you have to kiss him? How was it? Have you kissed him before? I can tell you're sleeping with him.'"

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