Lazy Day

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For KiranNippani All the love. x

I roll over in the morning, and wrap my arm around a bare waist.

"Morning," I breath.

"Morning love," Harry sighs sleepily. I keep my eyes closed and slide over, big spooning Harry and cuddling into his back.

"What are you doing today?" I sigh after a minute.

"Nothing," he huffs. 

"Great," I respond quietly. "Let's do nothing together."

"Okay," he answers, making me smile. I peck my lips against his bare back, then nuzzle my nose against him and fall back asleep. 


When I wake again, Harry is still next to me and its midday. I slowly roll out of bed and pull on one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweats. I trudge downstairs and put on a kettle for tea, then start bread toasting and cut up some strawberries. Harry comes down in an outfit similar to mine, just as everything is finished up. 

We eat in silence, then curl up on the couch and start a movie. It's not an intense, or even new movie, it's an old black and white romance. We're not really paying attention, just being together, remaining cuddled up and cozy. We play all movies like this, just remaining sat on the couch, not really moving for any reason. By six, Harry gets pretty restless, and bothers me to do something with him.

"I thought we were doing nothing today," I say, looking down at him. I'm lying on the couch and he's lying on top of me, resting his head on my chest. 

"Yeah but," he sniffles, pouting his lip at me. "I'm hungry and I want to do something else."

"Harry," I sigh, turning my attention back to the movie. 

"Kiran," he whines loudly, burying his face in my chest. I roll my eyes, smiling to myself, and pet his hair, calming him down. He finally looks up at me with a puppy pout and watery eyes. 

I sigh and push him into a sitting position, sitting up as well. He giggles excitedly and leans in quickly, smashing his lips into mine hard. I fall back slightly, but manage to hold myself up while kissing him back. He pulls away with a loud smack and licks his lips. I glare at the adorable boy before standing and walking to the kitchen. 

Harry tells me stupid jokes, while I make us grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. We giggle while eating, then curl up on the couch again, watching action movies. By 8 o'clock, we're curled up, and fast asleep. Definitely one of the best days ever. 


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