The Sweater

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It had been a couple of weeks since I'd seen Harry. He'd been on tour, then I had to go back home to America but now we were finally going to be together again. I'm on the plane to London. There is only a couple hours left of the flight, but I'm already fidgeting in my seat, eager to see my boyfriend again. I distract myself with a movie and pretty soon the pilot announces we are landing in London. I look out the window imagining Harry waiting for me at the terminal. He said he would pick me up but I wasn't sure he would be able to. Things were crazy for him right now.

We land and I walk out hoping but not really expecting to see Harry. Much to my surprise and delight he is there. He is looking at his phone, so I sneak up behind him and put my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" I sing, trying to balance on my toes since Harry is quite taller than me.

"Hello love." Harry says removing my hands and turning around. He grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. His lips are soft and gentle, I didn't realize until then just how much I missed him. I deepen the kiss trying to stop Harry from pulling away. He ignores my persistence and breaks the kiss. I give him my best puppy dog look and he laughs and kisses my forehead. He looks me over then picks up my bag which I had set down.

"Nice shirt," Harry says sounding a bit irritated. "I'm sure Niall will love that." He starts to walk away and I follow.

"Oh hey!" I say looking down at my 'I need a Horan hug' sweatshirt. "I completely forgot I was wearing this," I laugh. "Yeah he probably will."

I look at Harry who is glaring straight ahead, obviously upset. "Oh what's wrong? Are you upset I'm not wearing anything for you?" I giggle.

"What?" Harry scoffs. "Absolutely not. That's ridiculous." He shakes his head. We are out in the parking lot now. People have been taking pictures of us the whole time, but we just ignore them.

"Well Mr. Styles." I say sweetly as he puts my bag in the trunk of his car. "I did just get here, so there might possibly be something in my suitcase especially for you, for later." I give him my most mischievous, sexy look. His eyes light up and he holds back a smile.

"Later tonight or later this week?" He asks looking me up and down.

I walk up to him, get on my tip toes, and whisper in his ear, "Maybe ... both." I turn and walk away. I only take a couple of steps before Harry grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. He wraps me in his arms, I throw my arms around his neck and he kisses me.

We drive in silence, just enjoying each other's company. We arrive and walk inside the seemingly dark and empty house.

"Harry why is it so dark in here?" I take a couple steps into the darkness then all of a sudden all the lights turn on.

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouts. Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Sophia, and Eleanor are all there to greet me. I gasp and my hands fly to my mouth. I jump backward right into Harry, who grabs my waist to steady me.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't think you guys knew I was coming," Harry nudges me forward and I walk in to hug everyone.

"Of course we knew." Eleanor says laughing.

"Harry wouldn't bloody shut up about it." Louis jokes and is rewarded by a shove from Harry.

"I love your shirt," Niall says when I reach him. I laugh and he gives me a proper Horan hug.

"So does Harry," I look over at Harry and wink at him.

"I bet." Niall laughs.

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