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For Taco1994   All the love. x

3rd persons view

Harry couldn't help but be infatuated with the girl. She was incredibly sexy and when she wore that uniform like a perfect little slut. He knows he shouldn't, but he can't help it. It's gotten him off many times, imagining what that beautiful little girl would look like with her lips wrapped around his cock.

Varda loves it when all the boys look at her, especially Headmaster Styles. He tries to be discreet, but it's not easy to hide the monster that lives in his pants. Varda would give anything for him to have his way with her. She always wanted a daddy, and she knows he would be the perfect one.

She gets called to his office almost every day for not honoring the dress code. She doesn't mind though, she wants to be with him as much as possible, if only just so she can stare to him. His long slender fingers, his unruly curls that are in his face more often than not, the tattoos he tries to hide but fails.

Today was no exception. As soon as she stepped through the door of the school, she was called into his office. With a smirk, Varda sashays into the Headmasters quarters, her skirt swishing behind her and showing off glimpses of her red lace panties that only cover half her bum. She waits outside the door to be called in.

After a few minutes she is, and she walks inside the large office with her head held high. Headmaster Styles dominate figure is sat at his desk, reading over some papers. Varda shuts the door quietly behind her and takes a seat in her normal chair. Finally the Headmaster looks up and Varda's brown eyes meet his striking green ones.

"Well well Miss Varda, you're here again," he says sitting back in his seat. His eyes roam the girl's inappropriate outfit and he looks back at her with a raised brow. "We have dress code for a reason."

"Well it's a stupid reason," Varda retorts. "I should be able to wear what I want."

"And what would that be?" Harry asks lowly, leaning forward and crossing his hands on his desk.

"This," she says matter-of-factly. Harry bites his tongue to stop himself from telling her what he would like for her to wear, or not wear.

"You will be doing some detention today," Harry says in a normal tone of voice. "Right here in my office, right now. Start sorting those files. If it's not done by the time I get back, I'll have to add to your punishment, baby."

Harry purposely let the pet name slip so he could gauge her reaction. It's just as he had hoped, she bites her lip, her eyes going slightly darker, almost entirely black from the dark brown. With that image, Harry stands and exits the room, not before instructing Varda on where to start.

Varda huffs after he's left and begins her punishment. Her mind is reeling with what he said to her. Obviously he's attracted to her and she wants him to act on it so it shouldn't come as a surprise. She really isn't surprised once she thinks about it. She knew she would get to him eventually, and it worked.


2 hours later, Varda is almost finished, she just has half a drawer left to go through. Headmaster Styles walks into the room and tuts when he sees the girl sat on her knees, papers spread around her.

"Not done yet?" he asks in a dominate tone, shutting and locking the door behind him. Varda looks up at him with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. "I told you the punishment would be worse if you weren't finished, baby."

Butterflies are in her tummy, exhilarating her for what is about to happen. Harry turns dominate and orders her about.

"Stand up and face the wall," he growls. "Hands flat on the wall, ass out."

Varda quickly obeys, making Harry smile at the good little submissive, and gets into position.

Harry just looks at her for a moment, her bum is peeking out of the bottom of her skirt and her crop top has risen to he can see her smooth stomach

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Harry just looks at her for a moment, her bum is peeking out of the bottom of her skirt and her crop top has risen to he can see her smooth stomach. Slowly he walks forward and towers over her, placing his hands on top of hers. He runs his hands down her arms, going over the curve her breasts and cupping the decent sized handful for a second before continuing to run his hand down her sides, a wide smirk on his lips.

He relishes in the feeling of her smooth skin on his fingertips as he dances them along the waistband of her skirt. Next he goes over her hips and pulls his hands back to cup her firm bum. He gives it a slow squeeze, smirking more when he hears her sharply inhale. He moves from her bum and down past her skirt. His thumbs brush up to run along the curve where her ass meets her thighs, then he moves his hands to the inside of her thighs. His large hands are splayed across her skin, wrapping all the way around the back of her thighs as his thumbs brush along her core. Varda moans quietly as he pushes into her heat softly, giving her a feeling she's never had before.

Harry's smile is wide as he feels how wet she is through the thin material of her panties. He drags his hands down her thighs, loving how soft her skin feels. Finally when he's reached her ankles, he presses a kiss on the back of each of her thighs and stands up.

"Now baby girl, I want you to listen closely. Okay?" Harry asks softly.

"Yes daddy," Varda breathes, her body buzzing.

Harry inhales sharply and towers over her, pressing the front of his body flush against her backside. His cock is half hard in his jeans, just from slowly feeling her up and hearing those words come out of her mouth. It's something he's dreamed of hearing her say.

"See what you do to me," Harry rasps, grinding his cock into the girls bum, making her gasp. "and I haven't even got my hands on you properly."

Varda whines in her throat, letting her head fall between her arms. Harry chuckles and presses a chaste kiss to the back of her neck before pulling away fully and rubbing his hands together.

"We're gonna have some fun baby girl," Harry informs in a husky voice.

"Yes daddy," Varda moans.


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