Last Minute

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For OneDirecton_JoeSugg  All the love. x

"Tell me what's wrong," my best friend Becca says with a sigh.

We've been at Starbucks for a little over an hour but I've not been my usual perky self. I miss Harry so much. It's becoming unhealthy.

"Nothing's wrong," I shrug, mindlessly stirring my iced coffee with my straw.

"Yes it is," she insists. "Harry's been gone for a month and a half, but you've been acting like this for two weeks."

"What does this mean?" I ask with a glare.

"It means you've been super depressed and acting like a lost puppy," Becca says. "So tell me what happened Mia."

"It was good in the beginning," I confess. "Harry talked to me every day, but then he stopped answering me as often. I've only heard from him five times in the past two weeks."

"He probably just got super busy," she says, placing her hand on my arm in comfort. "What you need to do is go out there."

"What?" I gape. "I can't just go to Australia."

"Why not?" She asks, leaning forward slightly.

"For one, it's a 22 hour flight and I have work," I begin counting on my fingers. "Two, last minute plane tickets are expensive."

"I know for a fact that you have enough money to get you there," she responds smugly, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but not enough to get me back, or buy food for the next month," I counter.

"You have a rich ass boyfriend-" she starts.

"I'm not with Harry for his money," I raise my voice. "I love him."

"Yes and you need to show him you do," she tells. "He'll think it's romantic."

I think over what she said, knowing she is right. She continues her speech, "I don't have a tall drink of water with long ass legs, but if I did, I wouldn't hesitate to go to him and show him who he belongs too."

"He does have great legs," I mutter, biting on my lip. "But he's a person, he doesn't belong to anybody."

"But someone else is going to snatch him up if he isn't sure he's taken," she replies.

"Why are we friends?" I ask, signaling to her train wreck of a mind.

"Because you love me," she smirks and I shake my head at her.

Some of her points are crazy, but she makes a lot of sense. I need to go to Perth, and tell Harry I love him. He probably just got too busy, but I'm not willing to take that chance.


I land in Perth Australia, 40 hours after Becca and I's conversation. I have no idea where to go, and I've only a backpack of clothing and my purse.

Using my excellent detective skills, and the stalking accounts on Twitter, I find their hotel and where they are this very second. They're rehearsing at the stadium for their concert tonight.

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