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For kasey9929   All the love. K

"Watch it freak," Harry bumps shoulders with me hard. I wince as pain shoots through me, and look up through my lashes to see the cruel, piercing green eyes that have haunted my dreams since the first day of high school.

I used to be so full of light and happy, then a boy moved here from England and decided that he would make my life a living hell. I never even did anything to him.

The first time I saw him I thought he was so gorgeous. Still do, unfortunately. I passed him in the halls and I couldn't take my eyes off him, I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye either, that's how beautiful he is.

He had this ... way about him. Something that just drew you in and captivated you. I smiled at him softly, and he gave me a close mouthed dimpled smile back. My heart just started racing and I couldn't stop the blush on my cheeks.

I saw him once again at lunch time. He was sitting with the other English boy in our school, Louis Tomlinson. Louis is known around the school for his sassiness and rudeness. He picks on girls, but he's always been decent to me.

Anyway, I felt Harry looking at me all through lunch, and when I met his gaze, he would smile then look away. My body was buzzing for the rest of school, and when the last bell rang, I walked dreamily into the hall. As I reached my locker and pulled it open, it was slammed shut by Harry Styles.

"Stop staring at me freak," he hissed, then walked away.

I was left heartbroken, and confused. I don't ever remember staring at him, but I do remember him staring at me. I never understood what happened, and I didn't try to fix it.

I remember how his voice excited me. It is so deep and slow, his accent charming. That's one of the things I love most about him. That and his curly hair, his deep dimples that make him look like a little kid, his stunning green eyes.

Sighing, I continue walking to class. All that happened freshman year, now it's Junior year. Three years he's made my life hell, and three years I've been in love with him. I can't wait until I graduate then I can leave and I won't be abused anymore.


I'm exiting the school at the end of the day, beginning my trek home. It's not that long a walk, maybe 20 minutes. I take the shortcut behind the back shed of the school, where some of the sport equipment is kept.

Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, throwing me into the wall. I wince as pain shoots through my body, and look up into the face of evil.

"Hiya Bambi," Harry says with a smirk, his voice dripping in a sickly sweet tone.

"H-hi," I stutter in my nervousness of the beating that is about to come.

"There's no need to be frightened love," his smirk grows. I shake my head, and try to push myself back farther into the wall.

His smirk disappears and he looks at me a straight face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. His eyes dart over my features and I flinch as he raises a hand up. He doesn't hit me though. Instead he gently cups my cheek, running his thumb over my cheek bone.

My breath hitches as he leans closer, his lips looking irresistible. One hand is over my head, supporting his weight as he leans in, the other cradles my cheek in his palm, his fingers going around to the back of my neck.

My eyes widen as he leans in closer, only stopping when I can feel his breath on my face. His eyes are closed, and he pauses for a moment before leaning in fully.

My heart is pounding erratically as his lips press against mine. I gasp in surprise, but quickly melt against him, my eyelids fluttering shut. It's even more amazing than I thought it would be. His lips are soft and plump against mine. His skin smells musty but fresh.

His lips nudge mine and I respond, then he pulls away. I open my eyes to see him looking back at me with wide eyes, his mouth slightly parted. Without another word, he turns and walks away, leaving me alone.

What the hell just happened?


Harry avoids me at school, all the next day. I'm not really sure how I feel. Slightly relived, because I'm not being beat up, but also slightly upset. How could he just kiss me like that, sending sparks all though my body, then not talk to me?

Groaning at my thoughts, I close my locker at the end of the day, and make my way out of the school. I keep my eyes trained on the ground as I near the shed, not wanting to look at it and be reminded. As I pass it, a hand grabs my wrist and yanks me back. Hands grab my shoulders and pin me against the wall.

A whimper of pain and surprise escapes my mouth, and I open my eyes to see Harry. A mixture of emotion crosses through his eyes as they look between mine.

"You frustrate me so much Kayla," he growls, pulling away and beginning to pace. I bite my lip to keep from screaming out that he's the one twisting everything. "I can't be near you, I can't be away from you. I can't eat, I can't sleep."

He stops pacing and looks at me, longing, desire, love and fear? are all in his eyes as he gazes into mine.

"You're all I think about," he says. "Every minute of every day for the last three years and it's driving me mad."

He slowly walks closer until we're inches apart, then stops. "Do you want to know why I torment you? Why I insult you? Why I regret it every day? The guilt just gnaws at my insides, but, I never do anything about it.

When I first moved here, everyone told me to stay away from you. You're strange and you never talk to anyone, and that only peaked my interest." He says in a low voice. My heart is beating so hard and fast, I'm worried he can hear it. "You're so cute and awkward, and just shy enough to make me wonder what's going on behind those pretty blue eyes. ... And to be told I can't have you, only made me want you more, but I was a fool and I was afraid. I didn't know how to convey my feelings, so I shoved them down and started to bully you.

It didn't work though ... because the closer I got to you, the stronger my feelings got, and I can't hide them any longer," his finger is running over my jaw. I'm pretty sure I'm about to faint. The boy I love, have loved for years, told me I'm cute! "I don't care what everyone thinks, and I'll beat up anyone who bad mouths you. I love you Kayla. I can't bear the thought of not having you, but I understand if you have reservations. I love you so much it hurts. Nothing seems right without you."

Oh my gosh. This isn't happening. This doesn't happen to ordinary girls like me, to nobodies.

"You are not a nobody," Harry says sternly, his expression going hard then soft. "You're amazing."

Oh my hell was I thinking out loud?

"Yes you were," Harry smiles softly.

"I-," I stutter. After taking a deep breath, I try again. "I love you too Harry."

A wide smile spreads across his face. He cups my cheeks and swiftly connects out lips. It's just like I remember it. Shivers and butterflies all over my body, his breath mingling with mine. I reach behind him and grip his shirt up by his shoulder blades, pulling him closer.

Our lips move together slowly and surely, nothing but pure love and relief. I part my lips and his tongue dances across them, dipping in to taste my tongue.

I'm all sorts of excited and I can't contain the sigh that escapes my mouth. I feel Harry smile into the kiss before pulling away.

"I love you Kayla," he breathes, a dimpled smile across his face.

"I love you Harry," I answer with my own smile.

He pulls me into a tight hug, making sure our bodies are touching everywhere. It's the best feeling in the world. And I want nothing more than to remain in his arms forever.


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