Silent Treatment

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For flawhss All the love. x

Harry is seriously trying to piss me off today. I don't know what his deal is, but I'm on my last nerve. He's acting like a child today, not cleaning up after himself, making annoying sounds, bothering me. It's like he's my little brother, not my boyfriend.

I grit my teeth as he crosses and uncrosses his legs, shaking his foot and the couch. He starts clicking his tongue while changing the channel quickly, not even waiting a few seconds to see what is on. This continues for about five minutes, then I crack.

"Harry, do you have to make so much noise?" I growl. "And pick a damn channel! You can't even tell what's on."

"What's got your knickers in a twist today?" He asks, not stopping his irritating habits.

"You!" I tell loudly. "I'm on my last nerve! You're being so annoying today!"

"Well maybe I just want to see you angry," he counters, raising his voice as well.

"Well it's working," I roll my eyes. Obviously in spite, he increases his irritable habits, and I snap after a few minutes. "Why are you like this?"

"I'm not doing anything different then I always do," he defends.

"Whatever," I scoff, turning my attention back to my book. "Don't talk to me for the rest of the day."

"I'll talk to you if I want," he sneers.

I don't respond, just hide my face with my book. I can't handle him any longer, I'm not going to talk to him until he stops acting like a child.

"Yvette," he calls, but I don't respond. "Oh the silent treatment. I'll make you crack. You love me, you can't stay away from me."

I don't look at him but I can hear the smirk in his voice. He thinks he's got me all figured out, well he's got another thing coming.

He spends the next hour, doing everything he can to annoy me enough to talk to him. I hear him huff, and smile at the adorable pout I'm sure is on his lips.

The couch dips down, but I ignore it and continue reading.  I feel a presence near and then a finger pokes my cheek.

"Talk to me," Harry says in a childlike voice.  He continues to poke my face and arm. "Talk talk talk talk."

Finally after five minutes, he huffs and pulls back. "You know what Yvette, if that's how you want to play, then so be it."

Next thing I know, my book is ripped from my hands and tossed to the floor. Harry lifts me up and throws me to the ground as well. I open my mouth to yell at my crazy boyfriend, but he climbs on top of me with a devilish smirk, straddling my hips.

"You've brought this upon yourself Yvette," he begins and my heart pounds harshly in my chest. "and you've left me no choice."

He makes claws with his hands and wiggles his fingers, slowly moving them to my sides. I gasp and squirm to get away from him. He chuckles darkly and begins the assault.

A scream/shriek of a laugh escapes my lips and he digs deeper. Soon, I'm writhing under him, unable to breathe or think, the pleasurable feeling is taking over.

"Uncle!" I scream unable to take it any longer. "Uncle! Please stop! I'm sorry!"

"And why are you sorry?" He asks, pulling us fingers away. I don't answer, just lay there panting.

"Cause you're a jerk and I hate you," I breathe out after a minute.

"Wrong answer," he smirks and digs his fingers into my sides again.

I try to pry his hands away but he is too strong. My eyes are watering and I'm fairly certain my sides are bruised, roaring laughter floats from my lips. I see Harry lean his face down toward mine and I try to push him away.

"Don't you dare kiss me," I shout.

"I just want to swallow your laughter," he says over my squeals. I continue to push him away but my arms give out from exhaustion and his lips land on mine.

My screams and choked up sobs from laughing too hard, are muffled by his mouth. Slowly, his lips move mine into action and he withdraws his fingers, calming me down almost immediately.

"See, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asks in a cocky tone, sitting up right. I buck my hips and push him off, standing and walking to the couch. "I believe you had something to say to me."

"I hate you Harry Styles," I grumble. "Would you stop acting like my brother."

"Wow," his lips form a straight line, indicating he's moderately upset. "That was uncalled for and rude."

I watch in amusement as he stands and sits on the other side of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not talking to you for the rest of the day."

I giggle and rush to him, slamming my lips on his and instantly getting a response. I smirk against his mouth and kiss him again before whispering, "I doubt it."


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