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For Dreamer_ir All the love. x

Harry and I have been trying to have kids for almost two years. I got pregnant twice before, but I've miscarried both times. I'm pregnant again and we're at the doctor for a checkup.

"Okay Mr. and Mrs. Styles, are you ready?" Doctor Watson smiles at us.

"Yes," Harry answers for both of us. His hand is on my shoulder as comfort, he can tell how nervous I am.

I flinch when the doc puts the gel on my tummy, and Harry kisses my head. The doctor chuckles and snaps the cap on the bottle. "S'a bit cold."

"Yeah," I mumble. He rubs the gel around with the ultrasound stick and moves it around my lower belly.

"Hmm," he says as nothing comes up and my heart breaks again. He moves around for a minute longer then sighs. "I am very sorry."

A loud sob escapes my lips and I hide my face in my hands. I can't believe this is happening again. I'm a horrible wife, I can't even give Harry what he wants. I'm crying too hard to register what is happening, but I feel a familiar pair of arms around me. I'm lifted up and sat on someone's lap.

Harry's scent engulfs me and I burrow into his chest, letting my waterfall of tears soak his t-shirt. I faintly hear his voice in my ear but I'm too caught up in bashing myself I can't focus.

"Love-" his voice breaks through my wall. "Atra, look at me."

"I'm so sorry Harry!" I wail, keeping my face in his chest. "It's all my fault. I'm not good enough for you, I can't even give you what you want."

"Atra," his voice is stern. His fingers grasp my chin and he lifts my head so I can look at him. "Don't ever say that. You are absolutely amazing, I'm the one that's not good enough. You're giving me everything I've ever wanted just by being my wife. I love you so much, words can't even describe how I feel about you."

He cups my cheeks and brushes away my tears with his thumb. I lean into his touch, just wanting to be held by him. I just feel so awful. Harry's always been so excited when we found out. He immediately started picking out names, only girl ones though, he said he was 100% positive it's going to be a girl. The first one was Darcy, then Anabell, and this one was going to be Vanessa, Nessy for short.

"None of this is your fault," his voice is strong but soft. "It must just not be meant to be, but that doesn't mean we won't be parents. There are tons of other ways to have kids. There's adoption, or surrogacy ... or we can just drive by a playground and scoop up one of the unattended kids."

I snort a laugh and wipe my nose on my sleeve. I look up and see a disgusted look on Harry's face. "I'm not sure if we want them to have your genes anyway. You're grody."

"You take that back right now," I say in a little kid voice.

"No!" He shouts. I grab the edge of his shirt and bring it up to my nose, making him shriek. "Please don't! I'm sorry! You're beautiful!"

I giggle and drop his shirt, wiping my nose on my sleeve once more before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"Let's go home love," he kisses my forehead. "We'll get comfy and crawl in bed and watch Marley and Me while having a cuddle."

"Yes please," I mumble. He kisses my lips sweetly then picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the doctor's office.


Harry carries me into the house after we park in the garage. He takes me up to our room and lays me gently on the bed. I stay still, only moving my head and eyes as he slips off my shoes, then my pants.

"Sit up love," he says quietly. I do as he says and raise my arms as he pulls my shirt off my body. He grabs one of his band shirts and slips it over my head. I push my arms through then he slips back the covers and I slip in. He tucks me in and presses a kiss to my forehead.

I hum and watch as he puts in the movie then strips down to his boxers and crawls in next to me. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I lay my head on his chest, feeling him press a kiss to my head.

"I love you so much Atra," he whispers.

"I love you Harry," I whisper back and the opening credits start.


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