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Ah Halloween. My favorite holiday really. I went trick or treating until I was 16, then I worked every Halloween. It was the saddest thing ever, but probably very good for me because I would eat all the candy I got that night. Every time I went to the dentist as a kid, I had a cavity.

Lou asked Harry and I if we would take Lux trick or treating, so she and Tom could have a night. Obviously I said yes, she's the cutest kid ever. Lux and I got together and coordinated our costumes early, wanting to be safe. She decided that I would be Hannah Montana, and she would be a kitty. I couldn't even protest because she was pouting her lip at me.

I had just finished getting ready, including the signature single pink glove, I'm kind of a nerd that way. Hannah Montana was just fab, you know before she went crazy. What happened to Disney Channel? It used to be great, now it's just crap. Sorry, off topic. The doorbell rang and I answered it to find Lou and Lux standing on the step.

"Trick or treat!" Lux shouted with a giggle.

"Trick!" I holler.

"No, you're supposed to give me candy," she informs.

"You asked trick or treat," I explain. She huffs and pouts her lips, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh you want this."

I pull out the king size candy bar I got for her. She squeals and makes grabby hands at it while Lou glares at me. I smile sweetly at her while Lux steals the candy from my hand.

"Y/N, don't let her eat too much candy," Lou reprimands.

"Don't worry Lou," I lean in and kiss her cheek. "I'll probably eat it all before she even notices."

"Have fun," she rolls her eyes. "I'll come get her in the morning."

"You have fun," I say in a sultry voice, shooting her a wink.

"Good bye," she says then turns and leaves.

I chuckle and shut the door, turning and looking at a chocolate covered face. "Well how was it?"

"Really yummy," she says with a nod. "Thank you aunt Y/N."

"You're welcome kitten," I say and she giggles. "Let's get you cleaned up so we can go out when Uncle Harry gets here."

I take her to the bathroom and clean her face. We go back to the living room and watch some Hocus Pocus on the telly while waiting for Harry to come. A knock sounds on the door and I stand to answer it. Pulling it open, I am met with the sexiest looking dork I've ever seen. Marcel Styles is standing there, looking at me with a charming smile that just makes me want to jump him.

"Hi," he says in that voice he does in the video.

"Oh my gosh," I giggle.

"You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop," he says with a cheeky smile. I shake my head at him, biting my lip. "If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one."

I remain silent, staring lovingly at my boyfriend, small giggles leaving my mouth.

"I don't have a library card but do you mind if I check you out," I giggle lowly at this one, smiling brightly. "Baby I know my chemistry and you've got one significant figure."

Laughter spills from my lips and I grip the door frame.

"If you were an enzyme, I would be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."

"No," I shake my head, trying to stop my smile.

"Baby I'll treat you like my homework ..." he smirks. "Slam you on the table and do you all night long."

"Okay," I breathe. He chuckles and steps into the house, wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me against him and kissing me hard.


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