Tattoo [part 1]

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"Come on Y/N!" Harry pulls my arm, tugging me down the street. "Be adventurous!"

"I'm adventurous!" I huff, trying to rip my hand from my childhood friend's grip.

"When?" he shouts with a laugh. I roll my eyes and dig my heels into the ground, trying to stop. My efforts do no good because in a few more steps we are standing in front of a tattoo parlor.

"I don't know Haz," I look at him with unease.

"Have I ever steered you wrong?" He looks at me softly.

Eight years ago: Harry age 10, Y/N age 9.

"It'll be fine Y/N," Harry tells me, grabbing my hand.

"I don't know Harry," I move closer into his side. "We're not supposed to be here."

I look up at the abandoned shack on the outskirts of town. We were always told to never come in here because we could get hurt.

"Just trust me Y/N," he gives me that award winning smile. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"You're always getting me into trouble Styles," I grumble while allowing him to pull me toward the shed.

"You love me though," he smiles at me cheekily. I roll my eyes and he pulls me toward the shack.

We step inside and the place is super creepy. The wood is old and falling apart, there are holes in the roof and walls and the doors and windows are missing. It's creepily beautiful, sort of like a fairytale meeting place.

"Why are we here?" I ask and Harry pulls out a lighter. I watch silently as he lights a stick on fire and sets it on a rock for some light.

"I thought we could talk," he smirks at me.

"We're best friends," I roll my eyes. "We can talk any time."

He steps closer and reaches up slowly, cupping my face, his dominate figure towering over my submissive one. He's always been able to persuade me to do anything. He slowly leans forward and my heart starts racing. Before anything can happen though, the ground around us catches fire. Harry gasps and grabs my arm, pulling me out of the building and a safe distance away. We stand there, hand in hand, and watch the shack burn slowly. Sirens sound in the distance and before we can make a move, police and firetrucks are surrounding us. That was the first time I got arrested, and he was always involved with the other times.

*end flashback*

"Um every day of my life," I state matter-of-factly. Harry chuckles and pulls me into the building. "Haz I'm scared."

"I'll be with you the entire time," he turns toward me, stepping close so we are only inches apart.

"Promise?" I whisper.

"Promise," he smiles down at me. "I'll tell you what ..."

He steps back and pulls me to the counter. "I'll get one as well. We'll get matching ones, best friend tattoos."

Eleven years ago: Harry age 6, Y/N age 5

"Come on Y/N!" Harry shouts racing over to the small river.

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