All Things Open [part 2]

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Harry's POV

My heart races as she starts to unbutton my shirt. My skin tingles everywhere her fingertips accidentally brush it, and thoughts of slamming her against the wall and kissing her with all I have until she is writhing under me, fill my mind.

"There you go," she says in a soft voice. I turn to the mirror and look at her through it, barely glancing at myself.

"How do I look?" I turn and wink at her.

"Gorgeous darling," she copies my accent and gives me a small smile.

"Thanks love," I pull her into a hug, taking in her scent. She is so amazing, I've been in love with her since the day I met her. I couldn't live my life waiting for something to happen though, so I started dating Sarah, but nobody compares to Y/N. "I'll see you later."

I pull away and walk over to the door, turning back to look her captivating figure. I give her a wink then force my feet to take me down the stairs.

"Have fun!" Liam shouts.

"Be safe," Louis jokes as I walk out the door. I roll my eyes at them, Sarah is a sweet girl but she's not the one. Whenever I kiss her all I picture is Y/N, her lips on mine, her chest pressed tightly against mine. I know it's not fair to Sarah, she is very lovely, but I can't help that I don't feel anything towards her.

I get in my car and start the 1o minute drive to Sarah's. I look around for my phone to tell her I'm almost there and I realize I left it on the door side table in the lobby. Sighing I turn around and drive back to my house.

"Because Niall," I walk in and hear Y/N's sweet voice carry on throughout the house.

"Give me one good reason," Niall says and the room falls silent. I shut the door quietly and step farther in the room to hear better.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you," Y/N says.

"Everything you are feeling right now," his tone is serious and I can picture the look on his face.

"I love him. I love Harry with my whole entire being and nothing will ever change that," my heart stops and I freeze. Did she just say what I think she said? Y/N loves me?

"I feel like nothing will ever fix the hole where my heart used to be. Every time he talks about how amazing she is and how happy he is with her my heart shatters even more and it's in so many pieces there is no possible way to find them all. He's happy and what I feel doesn't matter as long as he is happy. Why would I ruin his life, what he believes is the real thing, just so I'm not broken inside. I'll be okay. My heart will heal and it might not be the same without him but I'll move on and he will be happy. That is all that matters. And that is why I'm not telling Harry I'm madly in love with him."

Am I even alive? or awake? This has to be a dream. She is saying what I've wanted to hear for two years. I can't even move, she loves me. I have to tell her how I feel, then we can be happy together. My heart is pounding in my ears and I strain to hear what is being said.

"So please drop it," I hear her say then the Xbox starts up.

"Why are we not talking about this?" Louis shouts and the game pauses. Y/N gives a big sigh, I'm not even breathing.

"There's nothing to talk about," she says loud and clear.

"How long have you loved him?" Zayn asks.

"Since we met," her voice is softer now, I inch forward and peak around the corner.

"I told her a thousand times to tell him," Niall joins in.

"I said drop it." Y/N huffs.

"Well why didn't you?" Louis asks. She stands up abruptly and turns on him.

"Because he loves her!" She practically shouts at them. Niall is the only one that doesn't flinch or jump. I move backward so she doesn't see me as she turns on the other boys. "He ... He is in love with her."

Her voice is soft now, barely above a whisper.

"But you're in love with him," it's Liam who speaks this time. She looks down at the ground and starts playing with her hands. Louis looks over then and sees me standing there. His eyes get wide but I hold up a finger to tell him to keep quiet.

"But if he is happy then that doesn't matter," she says in a normal tone of voice. My stomach twists in knots as I decide right then to step out. It's now or never, I have to tell her how I feel.

"What if he isn't happy?" I start, stepping around the corner and into the living room so they can see me. Y/N inhales sharply, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes wide as she spots me. "What if he is just with her because he is trying to distract himself from you?"

I slowly make my way over to her.

"But it's not working because every time he touches her or kisses her all he pictures is you," I ignore everyone else and make my way around the couch. "And he knows it's not fair to her but he was tired of waiting for something he believed would never happen and he was too afraid to tell you."

"To tell you that I have been in love with you since the day we met," I move closer so we are a foot apart. "I can't get you out of my head, no matter how hard I try. And I know I will never be happy with anyone else."

She rushes me at that moment, fisting her hands in my hair and pulling me down until our lips meet. My hands find her waist and I pull her to me as the room fades away and it's just her and I there. The kiss is even better then I imagined it would be, pure love and relief mixed with longing and desire. Soft and sweet with no rush. She pulls away after a while and looks at me with a big smile on her face.

"I love you Harry," she says softly.

"I love you Y/N," I lean in and kiss her again.

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