Last Night

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I wake up in someone's arms, the house is dark. I realize I'm cuddling with Harry on the couch, looking around, I'm guessing it's probably around 1 or 2 in the morning. I nestle more under Harry's arm and into his chest but I'm not tired, instead I turn so my back is to his chest and reach on the ground, surprisingly finding the remote. I switch it on and hurry to turn down the volume, much to my delight, my favorite American tv series is on, The Last Man Standing.

I watch silently, holding back my laughs with delighted hums. After about an hour Harry starts to become restless behind me, mumbling in his sleep.

"Y/N," he moans and my eyes widen. He starts rocking his hips against my bum, whimpering and moaning quietly.

I don't know what to do. I freeze then decide to help him out. I turn around again and start palming him through his jeans. I go hard and agonizingly slow, knowing it will wake him up. His bulge grows under my hand and his eyes fly open. He stares at me, as if unsure I'm really here or just in his dream. I don't stop my actions, just look at him.

"Hi," I say quietly, looking at him innocently. He whimpers painfully and gives me a puppy dog look. "Sounds like you were having quite the dream."

I see a hint of a blush in the low light of the tv, but his need grows beyond his embarrassment and he whimpers deeper. "Do something."

I give him a wicked grin and roll off the couch, instructing him to lay on his back.


Harry is fast asleep again, a small sheen of sweat on his forehead, his pants pulled up again properly and the mess cleaned off my hand. I'm still not tired so I get comfortable in the armchair and continue watching my show. I call the school and leave a message for the dean, knowing he will call me in the morning since it's a Monday.

Harry's snores rather loudly, causing me to look at him. He is so cute all tuckered out. I quickly snap a picture and make it my lock screen. Turning off the tv, I lay on top of him, kissing his lips gently. His arms circle around me and I tuck my head under his chin, willing my mind to calm so I can get some rest.


The couch beneath my body starts to turn and I land on the floor with a thud. I groan and look up to meet bright green eyes gazing at me. "Why are you on the floor?"

"Why did you roll?" I counter, fluttering my eyes in the light.

"There was a weight on my chest," he complains, his voice raspy.

"That was me idiot," I giggle. "I was laying on top of you."

"Oh," he chuckles. "Did I fall asleep taking over the whole couch?"

"Yeah," I see him blush. "But I'm glad you fell asleep, you're very cute all tuckered out, plus it would have been awkward if you hadn't. I wouldn't know what to talk about, I've never done that before."

"Well you're very good," he smiles at me and I blush. "I'll need to return the favor."

"What time is it anyway?" I ask, stretching and pulling my shirt up so my tummy is exposed.

"Mm," he glances at the clock on the wall for a second before returning his gaze to my skin. "Half 8."

"Ugghh," I groan, then fall back on the floor. "My flight leaves at noon. I'm gonna shower."

I roll over to my stomach and stand up, walking up to my room and jumping in the shower. All my body wash is gone so I use Harry's. I get out and pull on my light pink bra and matching bottoms before walking into my room.

"Hey babe, smell me," I say walking up to him.

"What no why!" he pulls back, completely oblivious to the fact that I'm not wearing clothes.

"Just smell me," I push my arm up to his nose and he sniffs, humming in delight.

"You smell like vanilla," he says with a smile.

"I ran out of my body wash so I had to use yours," I say and he grabs my arm, sniffing me again.

"I like it," he says looking up at me. "You should use my body wash more often."

"Mr. Styles!" I exclaim, slapping his arm playfully. "You are such a naughty boy!"

"Call me Mr. Styles again," he says in a raspy voice, finally looking over my apparel.

"Mr. Styles! I'm a good girl," I gasp, placing my hand on my chest dramatically.

"Yes you are a good girl," his voice is husky, his eyes darker.

"Oo say that again Mr. Styles," I say, suddenly feeling on fire. I climb up on the bed and straddle his lap.

"You are a very good girl," He says as I start kissing his neck. I look at the clock on the night stand and see it's barely 9.

"I got time," I give him a mischievous smile and he growls, flipping us over and taking control.


"Babe I have to go," I say, pulling away for the thirtieth time, only to be pulled back like all the other times.

"I want you to stay," Harry whines, kissing me deeply.

"I have to go but I'll be back in a week tops," I restate my earlier phrase.

"Okay, have fun with your family," he says kissing my nose. "Call me when you land."

"I will Mr. Styles," I tease and he inhales sharply. "Don't miss me too much."

"Impossible," he smirks, kissing me softly. "Be a good girl. I love you."

"I love you too baby," I kiss him several times. "So so much. I love you so much."

"I love you babe," he smiles softly. We kiss one last time and I get into a cab, heading home to America.


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