Arrested [part 1]

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"Hello love," I answer the phone in a sweet voice, seeing my wife's name on the screen. Y/N was visiting her family in America and stopped in Manhattan for a couple days to visit some old friends.

"Harry, its McCoy," her friends voice comes through the phone.

"Oh where's Y/N?" I ask.

"She's been arrested," the girl tells me.

"Arrested!" the boys look up when I yell into the phone, then run over so they can hear. "Arrested for what?"

"Physical assault," she sighs.

"Physical assault," I shout. "She beat someone up?"

"Oh she did more than beat her up," McCoy says. "The girl is in the hospital."

"She knocked her out?" Louis looks at me, a grin on his face.

"Tell me what happened," I say to her.

1 hour earlier...

"One scotch on the rocks," Y/N says to the bartender. She gets her drink then turns when she hears her name.

"Y/N Styles," her friend shouts to her across the room. Y/N walks over to her.

"Oh my gosh can you be a bigger loser," a girl says as Y/N walks past. She stops and turns to look at the girl and her friends.

"Excuse me?" Y/N says sweetly.

"You have to be a complete psycho loser to change your last name to Styles," she girl sneers.

"Excuse you?" Y/N replies with a little more gusto.

"It's obvious you are obsessed with One Direction," the girl says with a sassy attitude.

"Excuse you but Harry Styles is my husband," Y/N says seriously.

"Please, I've seen pictures of his wife and she is a lot prettier and thinner than you," the girl counters. "Only a complete freak would take it that far. You should have at least chosen a name that is relevant. Harry is a complete waste, he's a manwhore and he can't even sing. He has no place being in One Direction he only drags-"

Y/N punches the girl in the face. She grabs her hair and bring the girls face down and it makes contact with her knee. She puts the girl in a headlock and takes her outside.

"You insult my husband, my husband. No one insults my future baby daddy!" Y/N yells at her. Y/N punches her in the face again, shattering her nose that broke on Y/N's knee. She uppercuts the girl in the gut and when she bends over, Y/N brings her elbow down on the girls back. She falls to the ground in a heap and lays there moaning. Right then an officer comes and arrests Y/N.

"McCoy," Y/N shouts at her. "Don't call Harry. My phone is in my purse call my lawyer."

Present ...

"I just knew I had to call you," McCoy says when she finishes. "That girl is gonna press charges and it ain't gonna be pretty."

"Jesus christ," I sigh, and glance at the boys.

"I can bail her out," McCoy jumps in. "I'll just use her card, unless you want me to call the lawyer."

"No," I sigh again. "Thank you for calling me. Keep her stuff at your flat, I'm on my way over."

"Harry, you're across the ocean," Liam says.

"A day in jail will do her good," I answer. "She needs to control her temper."

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