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My baby bump is getting more noticeable but I've been able to cover it up by wearing big sweatshirts.

"Babe I think we need to tell," I say to Harry walking out of the kitchen. All the boys and their girls are at our house just hanging out. I'm wearing a dress that shows off the bump. "I don't like wearing giant sweatshirts it makes me feel like a whale."

"Love, you are beautiful no matter what," he puts his arm around me as I sit down. "But if you are ready, we'll tell."

"I'm ready, I mean I'm 18 weeks," I sigh. "I can handle it. Awe man,"

"What?" Perrie asks.

"I have to pee," I push myself off the couch and use the bathroom.

"So guys," I say when I get back. "We invited you here because we have something to tell you."

"We are having a boy," Harry tells them as he walks over to stand next to me. Everyone cheers and is really excited.

"Also," I give Harry a confused look, he turns and faces me taking both my hands in his.

"Y/N, I love you with all my heart," I look around at everybody and they have huge grins on their faces. "You are the best thing that has happened to me and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

Harry gets down on one knee, pulls a small Tiffany box out of his pocket and opens it. I gasp, "Y/N will you marry me?"

"Yes," I say softly. He puts the ring on my finger and picks me up, kissing me hard. "I love you Harry, with all my heart."

I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He holds me as close as he can despite the baby bump.

"Oh my gosh!" Harry says, holding me closer.

"You felt it?" I ask smiling.

"What?" Eleanor asks, hurriedly.

"The baby just kicked for the first time." I turn my head and look at them. Harry gently sets me down.

"I love you so much Y/N," Harry places his hands on either side of my face and kisses me softly.

"Awe, I wanna feel," Eleanor runs up to me and places her hand on my belly.

"I don't know if he will do it again," I laugh at her enthusiasm. She gives me a puppy dog face making laugh harder. "Talk to him,"

"Hi baby, this is your Aunt Eleanor," she begins and goes into detail about who is at our house. After several minutes nothing has happened.

"I don't think he likes you love," Louis says.

"It was only his first time El," I pull her into a hug. "He'll kick again."

"Okay," she pouts and goes and sits down. I follow her and sit down, Harry sits beside me.

"So we are really going to tell the world," Harry asks taking my hand.

"We really are," I sigh. "I should probably tell my mom."

"You haven't told your mum?" Niall asks practically falling out of the chair.

"No it never seemed like the right time."

"Well now's as good a time as ever," Harry says, handing me my phone.

"What time is it in America?" I ask.

"What part?" Liam asks looking at his phone.

"Look up Denver Colorado. That's my time zone." I tell him.

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