Doll preview

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Here's a preview of my new story Doll, please check it out.
Harry Styles, quixotic billionaire gang leader of New York, has found a new toy to play with.

From Luke// Where did you go love?

I giggle at my phone, then lock it but keep it in my hand. I only have a couple blocks left to my apartment, but it is around 1 in the morning to I need to be careful.

The hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps, keeps me calm. It's a peaceful, city silence, that I enjoy very much. My phone sings in my hand and I look down at it again.

From Rose// Text me when you get home so I know you are safe. Though I probably won't see it till morning. I should not have drank that absinth.

I giggle and shake my head at my new friend while typing a quick reply.

To Rose// Will do. Yeah probably not. Get Jim to hold your hair back for you ;)

Smiling to myself, I lock my phone and look up, only to come face to face with a very tall man. I look up at him with wide, innocent/frightened eyes.

He has brown curly hair that almost reaches his shoulders, a hat covers most of it. I can't see his eyes because he's wearing sunglasses, which is strange for the middle of the night, but I'm not one to judge. His appearance is dashing, skin tight black jeans, an half opened button up sheer top, and a blazer. His chest is littered with several tattoos and he's wearing a cross necklace.

My eyes travel up his body to his face, to find a smug smirk on his plump, pink lips. His jaw is sharp and strong, high cheek bones and a strong nose. His skin looks baby smooth, and I grow jealous of his flawless complexion.

"It's not wise for a delicate creature, such as yourself, to be wandering the streets alone," he says. His voice is deep and slow, and he has a British accent that flutters my heart. "You should be more careful doll. All sorts of riffraff wander these parts."

I nod slowly, my eyes staying on his sunglasses. He lifts a hand and slips them off, storing them in the inside pocket of his blazer. Bright, moss green eyes meet my hazel ones, and my stomach twists in more knots than it had before.

"It's quite chilly. Let's get you dressed up," he slips out of his jacket and swings it around me, laying it on my shoulders. It isn't until the warmth from his jacket touches my skin, that I realize how cold I was. Instinctively, I push my arms through the sleeves, snuggling into the jacket. He chuckles, his eyes twinkling in the street lamp. "There you go doll, looks great on you."

I blush and look to the ground, embarrassed that a stranger can make me react so easily.

"Now I must insist to accompany you home," he says, looking down upon me with a dominant expression. "I would feel much better, knowing you go there safely."

"You really don't hav-" I interject but he gives me a stern look, signaling there is no getting out of it. "Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine doll," he says, holding out his arm. I slip mine through, blushing a little at the pet name he keeps calling me.

We walk the few blocks in silence, a comfortable silence full of sounds of the city. Fairly soon we are at my building. I slow to a stop, him following my actions.

"This is me," I say, turning to face him. I begin to slip off the jacket but he stops me, grabbing the front and tightening it around me.

"Keep it," he says in a low tone. "For now. You can give it back the next time we see each other, and until then wear it everyday."

"And how do you know we'll see each other again?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Because doll," he jeans in close, his breath fanning over my face. "You're mine."



It's published! Check it out on my page!

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