My Love

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For hxrrydreamer  All the love. xxx

Warning! Includes self-harm and eating disorders.

Harry POV

We've been gone on tour for three months, without breaks long enough to go home, but now it's over and we get a three whole months off, before our album comes out and we have to start interviews again.

I've missed my baby so much, I can't wait to have her in my arms again. Katie is absolutely amazing! I love her with my whole being. I can't even imagine my life without her, I wouldn't want to. Every second away from her is pure torture.

I get out of the cab in front of mine and Katie's house, and hurriedly grab my bag, racing to the house. I open the door and set my stuff down in the lobby, slipping out of my shoes.

"Love!" I call through the house. I tiptoe into the living room and find Katie asleep on the couch. Her face looks thinner and paler than before, but she's still absolutely beautiful. I brush a hair from her face and lean down, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

I lean down and lift her into my arms, cradling her to my chest. She's a lot lighter than I remember, odd. I walk up the stairs and set her on the bed, kissing her head and tucking her in. I pull off my clothes down to my boxers and crawl in next to her, pulling her into my chest.


I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of French toast. I sit up against the headboard and rub my eyes as Katie walks into the room with a tray of food and a bright smile.

"Ah my love, I was worried," I tease, squinting my eyes. She giggles, the beautiful sound music to my ears.

"Why were you worried?" she asks in her high pitched voice I love so much.

"Because my beautiful girlfriend was missing, and I haven't even got to kiss her," I smirk as she blushes.

"Well I made you breakfast," she responds quietly, setting a tray on my lap.

"Oh baby," I smile brightly, and grab the back of her neck, pulling her down and pushing my lips against hers. She giggles against my mouth and pulls away seconds later.

"Love you," she says quietly.

"I love you," I smile brightly and begin eating my meal. I moan at the taste, having missed her cooking. "This is so good baby. Thank you!"

"You're welcome," she smiles softly.

"Want some?" I offer her a bite.

"Naw love, I'm not hungry," she responds. I shrug and continue eating, enjoying the company of my love.


I've been home for about a week and I've noticed several weird things going on with Katie. One is that we haven't made love, she keeps putting it off saying she's tired or she'll get me off, but that's it. Two, I haven't seen her eat a lot. She used to be able to out eat Niall, but now she hardly eats anything, I've only seen her eat a small salad in the past week. Three, is how skinny she's gotten. I'm starting to get worried. She was so tiny and beautiful before, now she's all skin and bone. She's still gorgeous but it doesn't look healthy.

"Babe, lets watch a movie!" I mumble in her ear.

"Okay," she tugs at the sleeves on her sweater. "Do you want me to make popcorn?"

"Yeah that sounds good," I agree and she rises to go grab it. "What do you want to watch?"

"You decide babe!" She calls out to me.

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