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For Taco1994  All the love. 

I stood back in the corner, letting everyone go ahead of me. Of course I wanted to see them but they looked so overwhelmed. The expression on their faces was one that read 'please don't let anyone come up here I want to go to bed'. Plus I enjoy organized chaos, so I'm perfectly content to just stand here and watch.

"Thank you all for coming," Harry said to the crowd. The boys stood behind a table signing everything that was on there and thrust at them. I thought the concert was crazy, this is madness. I admired them so much more for being able to deal with this.

I watch the hustle and bustle as people push their way through to the lads. I turn my attention back to the table and find piercing green eyes already looking at me. I don't freak out though, he's just a person. After a moment he points at me and beckons me over. I smile softly and start pushing my way through the crowd.


I looked around the backstage meeting room, there were more people here than I expected. Girls and parents trying to get something signed, the crowd pushed all the way to the back.

"Thank you all for coming," I said loudly over the crowd. I loved the fans but sometimes this backstage crap is, well, crap. My eyes scanned the room, looking for, well, I'm not sure, but I spot a girl in the back corner, observing the organized chaos. She is very beautiful, with dark brown hair that drapes softly over her shoulders. She is wearing denim shorts that go about mid-thigh, a nice change from what some of these other girls are wearing, and a red and blue plaid button up blouse with a one direction shirt underneath.

Why is she just standing in the corner? That's strange.

I watch her for a few minutes, she smiles at the mess that is my life. Her eyes finally meet mine and she holds my gaze with a soft expression. I thought she was going to freak out but she was very chill. I point to her then urge her to come over here. She gives me a soft smile and begins to push her way through the crowd.

My eyes follow her movements till she stops at the end of the table. I walk over to her and begin my nervous spill.

"Hi," I say in a low voice.

"Hi," she replies with a smile.

"I want to talk with you but I have to go back to work. I'll be just a moment. Don't leave," I rush out. "Please."

"Never," she replies softly. I smile and motion for her to stand by a guard. She nods and turns to walk away but I grab her hand. Electricity shoots up my arm and down my spine at the contact. My whole body is filled with butterflies and my heart is racing. She looks back at our adjoined hands and then meets my eyes, her expression is mirroring everything I'm feeling inside.

"Wh-what's your name?" I fall over the words.



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