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‎Harry has been on tour for two months, and this was the first night that I was really starting to miss him. We've been together for three years and married for six months so I was used to him being gone.

I was cleaning the bathroom and saw a box of tampons under the sink. I paused and picked it up, suddenly realizing that I haven't had my period since before Harry was home. I stand up and lift up my shirt, looking in the mirror, then decide to call and make an appointment with a doctor.

The next morning I go to the doctor and he confirms what I suspected. I am pregnant. I'm elated. This is so wonderful, I can't wait to tell Harry. My phone rings when I leave the doctors.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello love." Harry says into the phone. "How are you?"

"Hi babe," I smile. "I'm wonderful! How are you? How's Japan?"

"It's beautiful, but I wish you were here with me." Harry says a little sadness in his voice.

"I miss you too, hun." I get into my car.

"What's that?" Harry asks, hearing the car beep.

"Oh I'm just getting into the car."

"Oh where you goin?" he asks curiously.

"I'm just going to the store." I say not wanting to tell him the big new over the phone.

"Nice. Wh-"

"Hello Y/N!" Zayn says into the phone, having obviously taken it from Harry.

"Hi Zayn," I laugh into the phone.

"What's going on?"

"Oh nothing. Actually I need to ask you something." I say trying to find out details so I can figure out when to tell Harry the news.

"Okay, what's up?"

"When do you have a break? Like one where you can come home?" I ask.

"Not for a while I don't think. Why?"

"Oh it's nothing, but can you tell me how long you'll be in Tokyo and maybe what hotel you are staying at?" I ask casually but Zayn can tell something is up.

I hear a door open and close. "Y/N what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong Zayn. I'm just thinking of coming and surprising Harry. That's all."

"Okay, I'll talk to some people and call you later." Zayn says sweetly.

"Thank you Zayn!"

"You bet love," Zayn hands the phone back to Harry.

"What was that about?" Harry asks.

"Oh we were just having a chat." I pause. "I love you Harry."

"I love you Y/N." He says softly.

"I love you Y/N!" I hear shouting in the background. Harry puts me on speaker.

"I love you guys!" I laugh. "I hope you are keeping Harry in line."

"Of course we are." Louis says. "Don't you worry love."

"Okay good!" I laugh again. "Okay I have to go. I love you Harry."

"I love you babe." he says. "Bye."

"Byeloveyoubye." I say swiftly before hanging up. I get home and distract myself until Zayn calls.

"Okay," he says after I answer. "The boys are here with me, except Harry, who is ... What is he doing?"

"I think he is sleeping," Niall confirms.

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