Rival [part 2]

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I keep my head down and covered by my hood as I walk into the heart of Easton Crown territory. My journey is short lived when a pair of gold boots step in front of me.

"Hello kitten," that silky smooth voice says and I feel my body relax. He seems to make everything better, I know I'm safe when I'm with him.

My gaze travels from his boots, slowly up the body I've been thinking about for a week. Forest green eyes meet mine and a delightful twist happens in my core.

"Hi daddy."

It's been six months since that night that changed everything. I sneak out almost every night, and sometimes during the day, to see Harry. I've not yet been caught, but I have to lie a lot.

My feelings for Harry have gotten a lot stronger. I love him, but I don't know if I'm in love with him yet. There is something there though, and I can't wait for when I turn 18 in a month, and I can leave the house and be with him.

Harry and I have talked about it, and he says that is what he wants me to do. He understands why we can't be together for real right now. After you get to know him, he's not as mean and scary as you think.

"I thought you would be better than this puppy," I say with a smirk, sitting on his chest, his arms pinned at the sides of his head. "I'm not gonna break."

"You better not," Liam grumbles, bucking his hips and causing me to fall off of him. "Harry will kill me."

"Yes I will," Harry agrees. I look over at where he is sitting on the couch, a glass of Brandy in his hand. He shoots me a wink and I blush involuntarily.

In my distraction, Liam tackles me over and pins me down. "You're lucky this isn't the hunger games, or you would be dead."

"If this were the hunger games, I would have already won," I sneer, bucking my hips and thrashing under him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Liam says, still hovering over me.

"Please," I retort, rolling my eyes. "I've got all the time in the world."

He chuckles and lets go of my wrists, settling for just sitting on my tummy. "When we first met-"

"When I punched you in the face and you kidnapped me?" I stop my struggling to look up at him. "Yes, I remember."

"I was carrying you up to Harry's room-" he continues, rolling his eyes at me.

"Taking me up on my training offer?" I tease, wiggling down so I can slip out from under him. "I think you could use it."

"No, brat," he grumbles, not realizing I've slid almost all the way under him, my chin at the crotch of his pants. "When you said you were married. Why did you say that?"

"Well," I call loudly and slide the rest of the way under him. I jump on his back and he falls on to his face. I take one of his arms and twist it behind his back, just on the brink of overbearing pain. "My father always told me to lie about everything about myself if I was ever taken. It was mostly an intimidation tactic, didn't really work did it."

"You must be a fireball in bed," Luke says and I look up to see him and the others watching in amusement. Harry makes a threatening noise in his throat and I look at him with a smirk, sending him a wink.

"How did you get out of your bounds?" Liam pants, his face contorting in pain.

"Tap out Liam," I sigh, looking at my nails to feign boredom. "I can sit here all day."

"Never," he grunts. "I can get out of this."

"Never on the coldest day in hell will you get out of this," I retort. "Because I can just pull your arm up farther, inflicting more pain."

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