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For AlyssaKateleenDacasi All the love. x

"You're up next Alyssa," the backstage director tells me. I nod as excitement bubbles in my tummy. It's the middle of the AMA's and I'm performing, then toward the end, presenting a reward.

I walk out on stage and look around while the music starts playing. I feel nothing but excitement that is until my eyes land on a specific table in the front that holds a specific set of green eyes that are watching me closely.

The nerves kick in as I stare at the table that seats One Direction, and more importantly, Harry Styles. I've had a crush on him for, okay it's not even a crush anymore. They say that if you like someone for more than five months, or something of that sort, then it's love. Well this is definitely love, because I've liked him for four bloody years.

He's just so sweet, and caring, and charming, and bloody freakin gorgeous. It's a sin to be that beautiful. He's just sex on legs, I can't even. I mean, the other boys are beautiful as well, and let's face it, Zayn's a Greek God. He probably is God. I bet when God made him, he was like, 'I'm gonna make this one look exactly like me to confuse everyone and tempt the thirsty whores'. Let's face it, how can you not get thirsty just by looking at him. It's a valid reason to go to hell I think.

But Harry, he has this raw, unkempt animal magnetism that just makes me want to take him to a hotel, throw him on the bed, climb on top of him, rip off his shirt, and make him explain every single one of his damn tattoos because I can't handle the suspense any longer.

Then maybe jump his bones, I'm already on top of him, no use wasting a perfectly good position. Though we'll probably just have a cuddle and watch the Notebook. He'll play with my hair and press kisses to my head while I lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

My cue in the music pulls me out of my daydream and I realize I've just been gawking at him. I quickly begin to sing my new single.

"I'm on my 14 carat, I'm 14 carat," I sing in a slow voice, my eyes never leaving the smirk on Harry's lips.

My dark brown eyes meet his green ones and I struggle to pull my gaze away. While I sing, my eyes always glance over toward his table. He's so captivating, his intense gaze sends a shiver down my spine. I find it hard to concentrate on the song, I can't keep my mind or my eyes off him.


I go back to my seat casually, and listen to the awards. My eyes drift over to Harry, only to find him already looking at me. My face flushes and I look away, quickly swallowing the last of my champagne. I'm so embarrassed he knows he's making me so flustered the first time we meet. Why can't I be cool! Damn.


I go backstage to announce the last category. My tummy is full of butterflies, knowing I'm going to be standing right in front of Harry.

Pull yourself together Alyssa!

Right. I can do this.

I go out and stand behind the microphone. After announcing the category, they show pictures of who is in it and I curse when I see One Direction, knowing they will win.

"And the winner is ..." I open the envelope slowly and gulp at the name. "One Direction!"

The crowd claps and cheers and the lads stand up gracefully, smiling as they walk up to me. I hug them each individually, my heart pounding in my chest. I eventually get to Harry and he squeezes me tight, moving his mouth to my ear.

"You did fantastic tonight love," he whispers and I squeak.

He pulls away and I slowly back up out of the shot. My heart is pounding so hard, I'm almost positive everyone can hear it. The people at home are probably like, 'what is that sound? Something is wrong with my t.v'.

I hear clapping and come out of my mind to find the boys walking off the stage. Harry notices my mental absence and places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me backstage. I feel my face heat up, this is too much.

Once we're backstage, Harry pulls me away from the boys, grabbing my hand in his monstrous one. I knew it was large but I didn't think it would be this big. Sweet damn, something is seriously wrong with me.

"You were wonderful tonight Alyssa," he mumbles, staring into my eyes.

"Thank you," I answer quietly, my whole body is shaking with butterflies.

"I must be honest," he speaks up. "I'm a huge fan, I've always wanted to meet you."

"Yeah?" I ask with a giggle, surprised by his answer.

"Yeah," he says slowly.

"Me too," I say quietly and he smiles at me brightly.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" he asks a bit shyly and I bite my lip to hold back a coo at his adorableness.

"I'd love that," I smile up at him.


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