Weekend Away

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"Your/Full/Name!" Eleanor's voice shouts through the phone. "Where the hell are you?"

"Excuse me?" I say confused.

"Y/N," she whines. "My party. You were going to help me. It started half an hour ago."

"Oh my gosh," I shoot up off Harry's lap. "I am so sorry dear, I completely forgot. I usually remember this stuff but today has been so hectic, I will be there in 20 minutes I'm at Liam's. What do you want me to wear?"

"A dress," she answers. "I'm wearing a red sun dress."

"Liam did I leave a little black dress here the other day?" I ask him.

"I think there is one in the closet," he answers, distracted by the game.

"You are with the boys?" she asks.

"Yes," I answer running up the stairs and going to the guest room. Sure enough there is the black slim fit mini dress I left here last week, along with my bright red pumps. "Okay I have a dress here, let me shower and I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay tell the boys they need to be here within the hour."

"Okay, I'm so sorry Eleanor."

"It's okay love," she giggles and I hang up. I hurry and jump in the shower, then pull on my dress and shoes. The dress has a round neckline and is sleeveless. I dry my hair and pull it up into a high messy ponytail, and throw on some mascara.

"Okay boys," I say walking down the stairs all dolled up. I steal the controller from Zayn, and hit save then squat down and shut off the Xbox. I pop back up in seconds, talking to them all the while. "I have to go to Eleanor's party and I am incredibly late, but she said to make sure that all of you are there within the hour. Liam please make sure you all get there in time or she will kill me. Why are you all staring at me?"

I look down at myself and do a small turn, making sure everything is in place.

"You look beautiful," Harry says.

"Thank you," I blush and look at the ground, my heart going a thousand miles an hour.

"Okay I'm leaving. 45 minutes you had better be there!" I shout as I walk out the door.


"I am so sorry Eleanor," I hug her when I walk through the door. "You look fantastic."

"It's okay, you are here now," she smiles. "You look fantastic yourself."

She walks me around the room introducing me to people and I help make sure that everything is running smoothly.

"Hello gorgeous," a husky voice whispers in my ear. Harry's hair tickles my shoulder and the scent of is cologne fills my senses. I turn and am met with piercing green eyes, staring into mine.

"Hello stranger," I smile at him. He dips his head so that his nose is next to mine and he kisses me. His hips push against mine as he guides me back to the wall I'm standing in front of, one hand pins my hip and the other cups my cheek. I melt into the kiss, not wanting it to stop, but soon pull away remembering we are at a party.

"Harry, people are staring," I look around at the small crowd around us who are giving us odd looks.

"Let them," he smirks, leaning down for another kiss.

"Y/N," Eleanor calls my name before his lips can reach mine.

"I'm sorry babe, duty calls," I tap his nose then go and find Eleanor. The party goes on for another two hours but eventually everyone leaves except the boys.

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