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The pale haired girl gulped as she stared at the train, her black pug stood by her side and her mother and father stood in front of her.

"Now, we'll see you at Christmas, you can tell us all about what Slytherin is like."

She nodded at her father and glanced behind her to look at the train that would lead her to her new school, "And, if any teachers give you any trouble, you remind them who your father is."

She nodded again and turned to her mother who was tearing up, "We'll miss you, sweetheart, and so will your brother."

She smiled at her mother and hugged her back before grabbing her case, she casted one last glance at her father, hoping he will say a mere goodbye, but the cold man just nodded.

She sighed and trudged onto the train, passing a family where the mother and father both fussed over their children. Their father hugged the eldest son and pushed him towards the train.

The girl envied the people whose father's actually showed affection, the closest hr father got to showing he was just a little proud was when the corner of his mouth quirked when she first got on a broom at the age of five.

He definitely preferred her little brother, no questions asked.

She whistled for her dog to follow after her and she did happily, she kicked the large case with frustration as she finally got it into the cart, she watched parents run off of the train after just having carried on their children's trunks and cases.

She turned back towards her family to see only her mother watching her leave, her father had already left, probably going back to where her brother was at their manor.

"Need any help?" A voice spoke up making her jump.

"Sorry," Another voice said, "Didn't mean to scare you."

She looked up to see two kids around her age looking back at her with large smiles, "Do you need help with your trunk? There's space in our compartment."

"Uh... yes, please." She said quietly with a small smile.

The first boy took her trunk and she bent down to pick up her pug who stared up at her, "Cool dog, what's his name?"

"She," The girl corrected, "Her name is Leia, it's from this movie I watched once, they're really good."

Just as she walked into the compartment her dog jumped from her arms and onto the seat causing her to trip over her feet. The first boy reaches out to steady her with a smile, "Buy anything nice from your trip?"

She rolls her eyes but cracks a small smile at the two boys.

They sat down in their compartment just as the train started moving; she looked out the window seeing her mother had also left making the smile fall from her face.

She looked over to see Leia had sat between the two boys who were patting her head affectionately.

"Let us introduce ourselves..."

"I'm Fred."

"And I'm George..."



"Twins?" She interrupts.

The pair nod and she raises a brow, "I mean, it's pretty obvious, is this your first year?"

"Yep, our older brother Percy is in third year, Bill just left, and Charlie's in his 7th year. Is this your first year?"

She nodded and realised she hadn't introduced herself, "Oh, I'm Dorothy-"

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" A croaky voice came from beside them, they looked up to see an old lady pushing a sweet trolley down the aisle.


Dorothy stood between the Weasley twins playing with her plain robes nervously. George noticed and reaches down to take her hand and stop her fidgeting, "Relax, you'll be fine. I hope we're in the same house."

"Me too." She said quietly.

Names after names were called until finally, it was Dorothy's turn, "Malfoy, Dorothy."

She gulped and walked up to the stool sitting down as Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head, "Ah, Malfoy, eh? Not much cunning and slyness in you, though. Hmm, smart, very smart, kind... Loyal, very loyal indeed and very brave, and also very ambitious."

She caught Fred and George's eye and they gave her a thumbs up, "Not like your parents at all. More like your cousins than anything. Hmm, very interesting indeed..."


Her eyes widened in surprise but she made her way over and sat opposite a boy who introduced himself as Lee Jordan. She tried her best to ignore the glares and remarks from the people sat at the Slytherin table.

A red head tapped her on the back as she sat down beside him and opposite Lee Jordan, she looks up at him guessing he was one of the twins brothers and offered a smile.

Let's just say her father finally had a reason to hate her, and her home life only got worse.

"Weasley, Fred!"


"Weasley, George!"


But, maybe school wouldn't be that bad.

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