Chapter 8

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"Uh, Professor?" Dorothy asks quietly as he taps her knuckles against the door frame.

Lupin looks up from the work he was marking to see Dorothy in the doorway clutching her books tightly, he offers a warm smile and gestures for her to come in.

She walks towards his desk and opens her mouth to speak before closing it again, "Is there anything I can do for you, Dottie?"

She nods and sits in front of him as she plays with her robes sleeve, "I was wondering if you could tell me a little about the Imperious Curse... and Death Eaters."

Remus seems taken back by her sudden request, his brows raise and he stares at her for amount, "Death Eaters? Why?"

She sighs and finally looks up to meet his eye, "My fa- Lucius," She quickly cuts herself off, not wanting to refer to him as her father any longer, "I was told he was a Death Eater, but he was under the Imperious Curse."

"Do you believe him? That he was under the curse?"

She shakes her head and looks down, disappointed in herself, "I don't," She admits in a small voice afraid Lucius will barge through the door at any moment, "Lucius, he has a need to be in power, to prove he's better than everyone, I think he got it from Voldemort."

"So, you're brave enough to say his name, but not face your father?"

"He's not my father."

He nods and pushes forward a bowl that holds piece of chocolate, she accepts them with a thankful smile, "I knew your parents in school."

"Really? What were they like back then?"

"Lucius carried himself tall, he was a Prefect and Head Boy, he had an unhealthy obsession with the Dark Arts, I will be honest with you. But your mother, she was the kindest Slytherin, besides my old Potions Professor, I have ever met."

Dorothy smiles at the mention of her mother. Remembering why she came here in the first place he clears his throat, "Are you sure you want to learn about them?"

"Just a little bit, I want to form an opinion of my own before I start calling him evil, I-I want to believe he truly was being controlled, he may have disowned me and been a terrible father, but he still is my father whether I like it or not."

Remus nods and sits back in his chair, "Death Eaters have only one main goal, to 'purify' the wizarding world, that means getting rid of all muggle born and half-bloods, like myself. They believe that magic should be kept in Wizarding families."

"But, that's impossible, I mean, eventually we'd all die out." Remus nods and sighs.

"The Dark Lord seemed to think that pure-bloods are the superior wizarding race, even though he himself was a half-blood."

Dorothy furrows her brows and shakes her head, "What about the Imperious Curse?"

"The Imperious Curse is one of the unforgivable curses, if you know the other two I'll give you extra credit and house points."

She grins knowing them already as she has read many books from the libraries restricted section in order to 'get better pranks'. "The Cruciatus Curse and the... the Killing Curse." Her grin falls as she says them both, suddenly realising if her father had the chance he probably would have used one on her.

"It works on the weak minded; the curser can take over their victims mind, allowing them to do whatever they want them to. Quite a nasty Curse if I say so myself."

"Do you... do you think maybe Voldemort used it on him? On Lucius?"

Remus looks at the small amount of hope in her eyes, he may have hurt her and disowned her but she still cares about Lucius, he is still her father, he still raised her even if it wasn't the right way. He was still there for fourteen years of her life.

He sighs and closes his eyes for a brief moment, "Maybe, but my opinion means nothing, it should be yours. Although you don't like it, he is your father, that means you must form your own opinion on his choices, not someone else."

She sighs and gets up from the arm chair, "Thank you, Professor."

He nods and runs a hand through his hair sighing as she leaves the classroom, "Lucius Malfoy, disowning your daughter is the biggest mistake you have ever made." He mutters to himself.

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