Chapter 7

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Dorothy leans against the railings in the stands nervously tapping her fingers as the twins take a place either side of her and Hermione, Ron and Ginny in front.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragon, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant!"

The crowd chants his name as Harry slowly makes his way through the opening to see the golden eggs sitting on a rock not too far away.

Before he can reach it the Hungarian Horntail, that Charlie told Dorothy is called Adria, hits her tail down causing him to fall back. He takes cover behind a rock and Dorothy covers her eyes but seconds later, she peeks through her fingers just as Adria shoots fire at the rock.

"Use your wand, Harry!" Hermione yells, "Your wand."

Harry mutters a quick spell which no one heard and seconds later his broom flies into the arena allowing him to jump on. Adria breaks free of her chains making Harry's eyes widen. He flies above the teachers causing the dragon's tail to knock a few of them over.

"Yes! Well done, Dragon!" The twins cheers as they watch Rita Skeeter adjusts her glasses.

"Her name is Adria." Dorothy corrects as she watches the dragon fly off after Harry.

It goes silent as they attempt to find any sign of Harry, Dorothy taps her foot and leans over the edge to try and see further only to be brought back by George before she could topple over on top of Ron and Hermione.

"Yes! Yes!"

Harry flies towards them, his broom leaving a trail of smoke behind him as he grabs the golden egg. The crowd goes wild as they cheer for him.

Dorothy turns and hugs Fred and then George quickly before she jumps over the railing to hug Hermione.


The Gryffindor common room is buzzing with excitement as they cheer for the youngest champion, "Yes, Harry!"

"Knew you wouldn't die," Fred says as he and George lifts him up, "Lose a leg..."

"Or an arm."

"Pack it in altogether..."

"Never." They say in usion.

Seamus kisses the golden egg and lifts it up for Harry, "Go on, Harry. What's the clue?"

"Who wants me to open it?"

The crowd shouts a collective, "Yes!"

"You want me to open it?"

He slowly opens it only for a loud screeching sound to fill their ears. Fred and George drop Harry as the try to rid the noise.

George reaches over and covers Dorothy's ears and she reaches up behind herself to cover his. "What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asks as the sound stops.

The crowd goes quiet and they look awkwardly between the pair that is Harry and Ron, "All right, everyone. Go back to your knitting. This will be uncomfortable enough without you nosy sods listening in."

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