Chapter 2

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Dorothy taps her foot against the cobbled stone, Leia lies beside her feet asleep after being there just two minutes.


She turns to see a purple-haired women standing behind her with a bright smile, Dorothy returns the smile and looks over at her cousin, "Tonks?"

"Charlie told you?" She asks, amusement clear on her face.

Dorothy grins and nods as she scoops up the sleeping pug from the floor. "Yeah. He told me."

The pair make their way into The Leaky Cauldron, sitting at a small table in the far back. Leia curls up on Dorothy's lap and Tonks smiles as she pats the dog's head, "What's her name?"


"Like Star Wars."

Dorothy's smile only grows wider as someone finally gets her reference, "Yeah, like Star Wars."

The cousins talk for hours, from everything to their favourite Quidditch teams, Tonks' are Ballycastle Bats and Dorothy's are the Holyhead Harpies. They talked about their love for pranking, Quidditch and Tonks' job as an auror.

Dorothy finally felt like she had a real family again. Of course the Weasley's are and always will be her family, but they're not related by blood.

So, sitting here, talking to her cousin whom she never knew existed until a few months ago, its making her smile brighter than it has ever been.


After that day they started meeting up at the Leaky Cauldron more. Twice a week turned into four times a week which turned into six which turned into every day.

The pair meet up, get a drink in the Leaky Cauldron-where she has been staying for the last week because the Weasley's are coming home soon- then they'll take a walk around Diagon Alley and Tonks will go into Flourish and Bolts with her listening as she talks passionately about the books she reads.

Today is no different, the pair sit at their usual table, Leia curled up underneath the table between their feet as they talk of the latest Quidditch match, only today they get interrupted, "Dottie!"

She yelps as two pair of arms wrap around her, looking up she finds Ron and Ginny smiling down at her. "How was Egypt?"

"Good, although, Fred and George were kind of depressed without you."

Her smile widens at the sighs of the twins and she sends a look to Tonks who nods for her to go, she jumps up and runs over to them tackling them into a hug, "Gosh did we miss you."

"Look," Fred grins as he takes out a small snow globe, an image of the Weasley siblings show up in the snow globe. They've bewitched it to add Dorothy into the photo between the twins, "Got this for you, it's a sandstorm, got it from a muggle shop dad made us go to. We may have added a little magic, though."

She admires the snow globe as she twirls it around, "I love it, thank you."

"Dottie, how was your time here, dear? Have you been eating good? Washing up nicely?"

"I'm fine, Molly, how are you?"

"We're good dear, Bill says hi and Charlie says that the new Dragon eggs have hatched." She squeals knowing she'll be getting a few photos of baby dragons soon.

She remembers Tonks is still there and turns back to her, "Uh, this is my cousin."

Tonks smiles up at them as she gets up, catching her foot on the table and stumbling slightly, "Definitely related." The twins say in usion making her roll her eyes.

Arthur smiles thankfully as Dorothy takes a few cases from him as it seems he is carrying them all. She sets them down allowing one of the maids to take them up to their rooms.

"Dottie?" Tonks calls.


Tonks leads her away from the loud chattering of the Weasley's.

The twins watch from afar, "What do you think they're talking about?" Fred asks.

George shrugs and watches as Dorothy squeals happily and hugs Tonks, the pair say their goodbyes and she hurries back over to them, "I need to speak with you guys, and your parents."

"I appreciate everything you have done for me the past year. Taking me in, helping me out and everything you've done for me before that. You guys are my family, and always will be, but, you've got your own family to take care of, Molly, and I can't add into that forever."

"It's no problem, dear, you help around the house more than my own children."

"I know, and I'll always be there to help you cook and clean. But, Tonks has asked me if I'd like to live with her. She is my cousin and she is currently living alone with plenty of room for another person. She also doesn't live too far away so I'll be able to come over and visit whenever."

Molly smiles at her as she continues to ramble on, "Dottie, although I love having your company, if you want to move in with your cousin, then go, she's your family too."

Dorothy smiles and wraps her arms around the older woman, "Thank you, for everything. You're the best mother anyone could ever have."

Molly squeezes her back as Arthur joins in on the hug, "I've met Tonks a few times, she's a good one that girl, she'll take care of you, and if you ever want to come back-"

"I know, thank you."

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