Chapter 1

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"Yes, that filthy little Mud blood- who does she think she is? And Saint Potter..."

"Draco." Dorothy says in a warning voice, they've been home from Hogwarts for about three weeks, it was Draco's first year and he was sorted into Slytherin, meaning Lucius was even more furious about Dorothy being in Gryffindor.

He rolls his eyes at his older sister and continues on ranting for a few more minutes. "Dobby," He calls for their house-elf, "Dobby, where is he?"

She shrugs and continues to read the new book she had gotten from her mother, "Dobby."

"Yes, Master Draco? Dobby is sorry, he was busy."

"It's okay, Dobby," He assures as he sits beside his sister, "Can you find that book I was telling you about, the..."

"The Great Gatsby."

"Yes, the Great Gatsby, thanks Dottie."

Dobby nods and disappears, within he seconds he's back holding the book out to Draco, "Thank you."

"Dobby likes Master Draco and Miss Dorothy. They are kind to Dobby, Dobby is grateful for that."

The siblings smile bashfully at the house-elf before he disappears again. "Still, I don't care if you're friends with those stupid Weasley's, they're annoying and their blood-"

"Don't," She warns, "Maybe if you just gave them a chance, you'll see how nice they are."

Draco scoffs as he opens the book and props his feet up on the table in front of him, "Saint Potter and the Weaslebee's, who do they think they are?"

"Draco, they're nice people, they're my best friends, and they're practically family to me."

He rolls his eyes and flips a page, "Still..."

She rolls her eyes as she tosses her now finished book to the side and grabs another one from the pile beside her, "I think you're jealous."


"Yup," She says with a sly smile, "You wanted to be friends with Harry, but he rejected you, I heard all about it, Dray, don't try to deny it."

"Well, I bet you heard it from your little brother, Ron?"

She snorts, "You're jealous of Ron, too?"

"No." He snaps quickly straitening himself to read the book, "Maybe." He mumbles.

"I'm just saying if you were a little nicer to them, and Hermione, there'd be no problems."

"And why," A voice comes from behind them making them both jump, "Would we want to do that?"

She shrugs and avoids his eye, "They're my friends, Father, they're good people."

He rolls his eyes at his daughter's opinions, "They're blood traitors."

"No, they're not," She snaps the book shut making Draco flinch, "They're good people and they are not the ones who came running back after Voldemort got defeated. Blood traitors are the ones who stood on his side when they knew, killing innocent people is wrong!"

They can see the red rising in his face as he tries to stay calm, "You dare say his name?"

"Oh, you mean, Voldemort? Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort. He lost, Father, and you came running back asking for forgiveness. But the Weasley's, and the Potter's they fought, and they died trying to stop him, you cannot call them blood traitors."

He walks forward, his jaw clenched and gaze set on her and only her, "Go to your room."

"Or what? You'll hex me?" She crosses her arms and raises a brow at him.

"Dorothy Malfoy, you get to your room right now!"

She stands her ground, staring right into his eyes, "I've had enough of you! Of your Gryffindor, of your defying me. You are a pure blooded Malfoy, you should be in Slytherin yet you are with the stupid Weasley's."

"Don't," She growls, "Call them stupid!"

"If they're a better family to you then we are then go, go to them, you're no daughter to me, the only reason you're here is for your mother."

She falters hearing the words, 'You're no daughter to me'.

Draco finally stands and steps up from his space watching his sister's blank expression, "Father, you don't-"

"Draco, stay out of this." He growls.

He swallows and looks between them both before running down the hall to find their mother, "If I am no daughter to you, then you are no Father to me. Arthur Weasley has been more of a father to me in three years, than you have in fourteen years!"

"If they're a better family, where are they right now? Oh yes, in their tiny house in the middle of nowhere because they can't afford anything. At least here you can actually have your own clothing."

"At least there they're happy, and they don't have to listen to their father talk down to everyone around him. We are your family, we shouldn't be treated like we're the dirt on your shoes."

Narcissa and Draco stand by the door side by side watching the scene before them, "I have had enough of you defying me..."

"I've had enough of you treating me like a house-elf!"

"You sit around here all day, waiting for one of those pathetic-"

"They're not as pathetic as you!"

"-Weasley's to come and get you to cause more trouble..."

"Well, at least I don't sit around and wait for my precious Dark Lord to rise from the dead so you can run back to him and beg on your hands and knees for forgiveness because evil is all you have ever known. You have lived in fear your entire life because of a stupid choice you made to be powerful. But you're not, you're not powerful, you're feared, and that's not a good thing."

Narcissa and Draco hold their breath as they watch Lucius still. He stares at her, the pair breathing heavily from their sudden burst of anger, without thinking he lifts his wand and points it at her, before she can even register anything a green streak sends her flying back into a book shelf.

Draco jumps back in surprise that his father would actually harm one of his own, "Get out of my house, you're a disgrace to this family."

"You are not my family."

He goes to raise his wand again but Draco's faster, "Expelliarmus!" He shouts disarming his father.

Draco runs to his sister and shoves her through the hidden passage way as their mother runs to calm down their father.

"You're so stupid," He cries as they stop in their mother's garden, "He could have killed you, you're so stupid."

"I'm sorry," She cries as she wraps her arms around him, "I'm so sorry."

The Malfoy siblings sit in the garden for a few hours, both of them crying into each other's arms. "You need to leave, y-you can't stay here." Draco mumbles.

She nods and gets up slowly wincing as she does, "I-I have a bag, under my bed... I'll go back and get it, I can... I can stay with Fred and George for a while. I-I need to..."

Draco pushes her back into the hiding spot shaking his head, "Wait here, I'll get it for you, okay?"

She nods and continues to stare at the ground in front of her. Within a few minutes, Draco is back with the bag, "I put some other things in there, money, a few books, clothes."

"Leia, where's-?"

"I'll bring her to school with me, Father is looking around the house. You need to leave," She shakes her head and hugs him again but he pushes her towards the path leading out of their manor, "Please."

She nods and hugs him one more time before turning and sprinting for the gate before her, the last things her hears from her home is Draco shouting after her, "I'll see you at School!"

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