Chapter 2

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Remus and George land outside the Burrow, "Quick, into the house!"

Harry helps carry the ginger into the house and lays him down on the sofa, Ginny following in after them. When they set him down, Lupin turns to Harry and holds him against the wall with his wand pointed to his throat.

"Lupin!" Hagrid exclaims.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh. What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"

"Are you mad?"

"What creature!" Lupin yells.

Harry looks down at the wand as he thinks before stuttering out an answer, "A-A grindylow."

"We've been betrayed," He says removing his wand from his throat, "Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

Thunder cracks outside and Kingsley and Hermione appear, "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us."

"Harry is the best hope we have. Trust."

They both drop their wands, "What gave you away?"

"Hedwig, I think. She was trying to protect me."

Bill and Fleur fly in on their Thesteral, Tonks and Ron appear, too. Hermione looks back to Remus who nods. She runs forward, wrapping her arms around Ron.

"Deserves that," Tonks says wrapping her arms around her husband, "Brilliant, he was. I wouldn't be standing here without him."


"Always the tone of surprise."

Arthur and Fred apparate next, "Are we the last back? Where's George?" The pair take off running the others soon following behind.

Fred kneels in front of his brother as Molly pushes his hair back from his eyes, "How are you feeling, Georgie?"


"Come again?"

"Saint-like. I'm holey. I'm holey, Fred. Get it?" He says pointing to his bleeding ear.

"The whole wide world of ear-related humour and you go for, 'I'm holey'? That's pathetic."

"Reckon I'm still better looking than you."

"Mad-Eye's dead," Bill says stepping forward, "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and Disapparated."

George's eyes widen as she attempts to sit up, "Where is she?"

Everyone looks around, suddenly realising they're missing the pale haired girl. "W-Where is she? Where's Dot?"

The group look around at each other before all running outside, Molly stays inside keeping George down as he tries to get up to help them.

A flash of light appears in the distance and the sound of running footsteps through the water that surrounds the Burrow fill the air.

Dorothy appears through the bushes, her breathing heavy and hand clutching her stomach, "Mad-Eye's dead." She announces.

Her lip is cut open, a small trickle of blood runs down her forehead and her face is full of bruises. She breaths heavily, obviously having just been in a fight and winces when she moves her side too much.

Remus holds his wand up making her eyes widen and her hand go to her own wand on instinct. Everyone holds their breath hoping it's really her.

"What's going-?"

"When Dorothy helped me capture the Boggart in the Greenhouse, what did it turn into?"

She gulps slightly and looks around at the many pairs of eyes on her, "Remus, what are you-?"

"What did it turn into?" He yells startling everyone by his tone.

"Lucius Malfoy."

Remus sighs in relief and lowers his wand as Tonks runs over and wraps her arms around her.

She looks around at everyone, Harry, Hermione, Bill, Fleur, Arthur, Tonks, Remus, Ginny, Kingsley, Ron, Hagrid, Fred and Geo-

"Where's George?"

The group remain silent watching has her face pales even further and the small smile that tugs at her lips drops.

She sprints towards the house, pushing past the group and gasping when she sees George, long forgetting the aching pain in her ribs and the many cuts and bruises on herself, she kneels beside him and takes in the blood surrounding his ear.

"What happened?"

"He's 'holey'." Fred says sarcastically as he kneels beside her.

She shakes her head at him and chuckles. Molly ushers everyone out of the living room allowing Fred and Dorothy to stay by his side.

She pushes his hair away from his eyes and grabs the cloth from Molly to gently clean away the blood on his neck, "Does this make me look edgy?" He asks trying to flash a grin.

"You're many things from edgy."

He reaches up to wipe the blood away from her lip, "You're bleeding." He sates.

She shakes her head and holds the cloth over his ear gently, "You just got your ear blown off and you're concerned about my slightly busted lip?"

He shrugs, "Don't worry, I still think you're really pretty."

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