Chapter 4

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The group that insists of the twins, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry stand at the top of the stairs. One of the twin's work in progress products, extendable ears, hang beside the door where the meeting is currently taking place.

"If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry, we wouldn't know Voldemort was back."

"He's not a child, Molly."

"But, he's not an adult either."

"He's not James, Sirius."

"Well, he's not your son, who else has he got?"

"He's got me."

"He has all of us, maybe we should just tell, it'll be better than having him and the twins trying to come up with some way to get it out of one of us." Dorothy chimes in.

"Dottie's in there?" Harry asks. The group nod, too focused on the conversation downstairs.

Snape sighs slightly, "How very moving, Miss. Malfoy-"

"It's Black now."

"-You aren't even supposed to be here yourself." Snape turns his attention back to Sirius, "Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather."

"Now, you stay out of this, Snivellous."

"Snape's part of the Order?"

"Dottie, dear, maybe its best if you go wait upstairs." Molly says as a heated argument begins, she looks to Tonks who avoids her eye and then Sirius pleadingly, both of her cousins nod towards the door and she gets up quietly closing the door behind her.

She looks up to see everyone looking down at her and raises a brow at them, "Molly's going to kill you. Alright, Harry?"

"Yeah, you?"



"Hey," Dorothy glances towards her bedroom door and smiles, "You didn't come down for dinner, Mum's had my head, she made me bring you up some food."

"Thanks." She smiles up at him as he places the food beside her and sits on her bed.

"What are you doing?"

She takes a bite of the food on her plate and swallows it before speaking, "Tonks gave me all of her notes on auror training, I've also spent the entire summer creating new Quidditch plans, here..."

She leans over to show him her newest strategy, "Take a look at that, what do you think?"

She takes another large bite of her food and filters through her notebook trying her best to find the sheets that holds her finished strategies. "This is great, Dot."

"Hey, what happened to your Quidditch plans?" He asks looking over her shoulder at the auror notes.

She shrugs and covers her face with her hair as he rests his chin on her shoulder, "I can go to Quidditch practice and become an auror."



"Tell me the truth, why do you suddenly want to become an auror."

"It's not suddenly, I've been planning this for the last two years."

He rolls his eyes and sits back turning her chair to face him, "But you always had your heart set on travelling and studying creatures, like Charlie."

She sighs and looks down at her hands, "It's just, my father was an 'apparent' Death Eater. He had a get out of jail free card because of his name, I know for a fact, he was not under the Imperious Curse, there's no chance he was. I want to be able to put those types of people away."

"Even if they're your family?"

"They're not my family, you guys are."

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