Chapter 9

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Fred, George and Dorothy walk towards the common room side by side to see a large crowd forming around the painting. "What's going on?" Fred mutters.

"Excuse me, I'm head Boy!" Percy yells pushing his way through.

Dorothy grins suddenly getting an idea, "Watch this."

She grabs a hold of their wrists and drags the through the crowd, "Excuse me, I am a Prefect, let me through. Out of my way, please." She says imitating Percy.

The twins snicker behind her as they finally reach the teared painting. "Get back. No-one is to enter this dorm until it's been fully searched." Percy says pushing his brothers back.

"Holy Salazar Slytherin, what happened?" Dorothy questions reaching forward only to get her hand smacked away by the 'Head Boy'. "Ouch, Percy." She grumbles brining her hand back to her body.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone!"

"Serves her right! Terrible singer!" Ron exclaims from behind the crowd.

"That's not funny, Ron." Hermione scolds.

The paintings around them cry and cackle as they watch the students, "Be quiet! The Headmaster's here!"

"Move! Move!" Dumbledore orders as he and Filch walk up through the crowd.

Dorothy continues to stare at the painting until she's pulled back by George allowing Dumbledore to pass, "You heard! Move!"

"I might kill Percy one day." She whispers to George.

He nods, "And I might help."

Dumbledore reaches forward and traces the rips in the painting, "Mr. Filch, round up the ghosts, tell them to search every painting in the castle until they find the Fat Lady."

"There's no need for ghosts, Professor," Filch says as he points to a painting not too far away, "The Fat Lady is there."

Everyone begins to push forward, Dorothy grabbing each of the twins and using her prefect excuse as she shoves aside a second year, "Mind where you're going! You listen! I'm Head Boy!"

"Dear Lady, who did this t you?" Dumbledore asks.

She looks up from behind the large animal she's hiding behind, "Eyes like the devil he's got! And a soul as dark as his name! It's him, Headmaster, the one they all talk about! He's here! Somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!"

The crowd begins to murmur and talk amongst themselves, the trios eyes widen as they look amongst each other, "Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you, to the Great Hall!"


Dorothy lays in her sleeping bag beside George, Ginny on her other side, as she stares at the bewitched ceiling above her. The youngest Weasley sleeps peacefully beside her, Dorothy refused to let her out of her sight if Sirius Black truly is in the castle, not after what happened last year with the Chamber.

From where she lies she has a perfect view of not only her brother, but Harry, Ron and Hermione too.

She reaches down making sure her wand it still in her sock and sighs in relief when it is, "Hey." She jumps, thinking she's the only one awake.

George stifles a laugh as she nudges him in the shoulder, "You'll be okay, Dot." He whispers.

She sighs and stares back up at the ceiling, "It's not me I'm worried about." She whispers back gesturing to all the younger kids in the hall.

He sighs and reaches over to take her cold hand, "We'll be okay." He corrects himself.

"How are you always so cold?" He asks as he covers her up with her sleeping bag.

She shrugs, "Cold hands, cold heart." The pair giggle, covering the mouths to muffle the sounds as to not be caught by any teachers.

But what they don't know, is that Professor Dumbledore is watching them from not too far away, smiling to himself.

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