Chapter 7

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"Can anybody tell me what this potion is?" Snape asks in his monotone voice as he stands before the class.

A Ravenclaw raises their hand, Dorothy pays no attention as she scribbles down in her note book, "Miss. Black, maybe instead of studying for your... auror training, you should pay attention in my class."

She slowly puts away her book and drops it into her bag, "What potion is this?"

She sits up and leans against the table hitting her cauldron as she does, luckily, Angelina grabs it before it can crash to the floor, "That's Amortenita. The most powerful love potion in the world, Professor. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession."

"Yes, five points to Gryffindor."

"Today, you and your partner will create the potion and record your results, you will not however, by any means, be using the potions for your own benefit."

"I don't think any potion is strong enough to make any one obsessed with Black." A Ravenclaw snickers.

She rolls her eyes, "And I don't think any potion could make me give a shit."

Snape busies himself, ignoring the petty bickering behind him as the students begin to create their potions.

Almost an hour and half later, Dorothy huffs, her robe was discarded long ago, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and tie hanging loosely, her hair is tied back in a lose pony tail causing strands to fall out.

She grins as she finishes the potion, "All done."

Her and Angelina high five as Snape walks over, "Well done." He says stiffly before walking away.

"What do you smell?" She asks Angelina.

The dark skinned girl leans over the pot and takes a whiff, "Butterbeer, Honeyduke's and..."

She takes another sniff and shrugs, "Books? No, maybe... I can't tell what that last one is."

Dorothy shrugs and takes her own sniff, "What about you?"

"Uh. Tea, fireworks and... autumn breeze?" Her eyes widen when she looks up at Angelina's smirk. "What? Who is that?"

"That sounds like-" She stops herself, "Never mind, you can figure it out for yourself."

Angelina smirks and scribbles down in her book.

"You smell it first."

"No, you."


"Bloody hell, I'll smell it first." Lee says as he leans forward and begins to quickly right down what he smells.

The twins look between each other and Fred pushes George forward, "What do you smell, Gred?"

"Hmm, Forge. I smell, apples, daisies, tea and... ebony wood."

He writes it down, trying to figure out where he knows that smell, Fred and Lee smirk to themselves as they fill up their vials and pocket them before turning their work over to Snape.

"Where are you going?" George calls after them but they're gone leaving him to finish writing his essay.

"Hey," George jumps as Dorothy appears in front of him, "I'm going to the library to write my essay, you coming?"


They sit in the library in silence, Dorothy works on her Phoenix presentation she has to present to the new Magical Creatures Professor. She finished her Potions essay ages ago so she moved on.

George looks up again, stealing another glance of the girl, "What do you want?"


"You keep looking up at me, what?"

"I-I..." He can't tell her the real reason. The real reason is he realised he smelt her in the Amortenita. Apples like her shampoo, daisies like her perfume, tea because they always drink it together and ebony wood for her broom.

"Can you help me with this?"

She sighs and closes her book moving so she's sat beside him instead of opposite him, she leans over to see his work and he gets another whiff of her apple shampoo and daisy perfume.

He remembers when she first got that, Hermione had gotten it for her for Christmas one year and she fell in love with the smell, never taking it off. She had spent weeks learning a spell so her perfume never ran out.

"You spelt it wrong, it's A-M-O-R-T-E-N-T-I-A. That's why you can't find any information in any of your books." She giggles and takes his quill to rewrite the word above the scribbled out one.

He leans forward watching her neat, printed writing above his scribbled hand writing and smiles softly, he always loved her writing, especially when she wrote letters to him and did the small flicks on her 'G's.



"Hey, 'Mione." She greets.

Hermione sits beside her, "Can you help me with something?"

Dorothy nods and places her book to the side, "If I was to say, set up a meeting of some kind without Umbridge knowing, where could it be?"

Dorothy thinks for the moment before offering, "The Three Broomsticks?"

Hermione shakes her head, "No, it can be too crowded, we need a secret place."

"Hog's Head? I go there to spend time with Draco outside of school and not get caught by Lucius."

Hermione grins and gets up, "Spread the word, next Hogsmede trip, there's a meeting in the Hog's Head."

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