Chapter 3

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Dorothy rolls her eyes as she moves so her feet are folded underneath her to get a better angle at George's bandages.

He leans back against the sofa, grinning when he sees her huff in annoyance, "George Weasley, I swear to Godric Gryffindor, if you do not let me wrap this bandage properly I will scorch off your other ear and shove it where the sun don't shine!"

Bill chuckles as he passes them with a cup of coffee in his hand. George shoots a look over his shoulder to is older brother and sighs as he sits up straight and leans closer to her.

He moves away from her hands making her drop the bandages and sigh as she pulls him closer to her, "Sorry," He mumbles, "Cold hands."

"Cold hands, cold heart."

The pair smirk at each other as she begins to fumble with the bandage again, "Hold." She orders.

Her lifts his hand up to hold it in place against his cheek, she wraps it around his head a few times making sure to go behind and in front of his ear so it stays on securely.

Her fingers brush his as she takes back the end of the bandage and ties the two pieces together, "There," She breaths out, still feeling the electricity where their hands had touched, "All done."

She looks away from her work to find him already looking up at her. Brown meets grey as they stare at each other for a few moments, "Thanks." He forces out as if he can't speak.

They continue to gaze at each other, neither wanting to break from their small trance. They edge closer together, slowly, getting closer, closer, closer-

"Thank you, Dottie, dear. Dinner's on the table, do you want me to help patch that bump up on your head? Its looks quite nasty."

Clearing her throat she gets to her feet, "No thanks, Molly, I'll do it."

She looks back at George over her shoulder as she walks up the stairs, George's eyes follow her up the many stirs of his house, "George, go help her, it's the least you could do."

George gets to his feet walking up the stairs after and towards Dorothy's shared room with Ginny and Hermione.

"She's in the bathroom." Ginny says as she walks out of her room.

George sighs and walks up another flight of stairs to get to the bathroom, he creaks it open and hears a low hissing sound, "You okay?"

His eyes widen when he sees the large black bruise on her side, she yelps, not realising he had entered, "Georgie! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry." He mumbles not actually paying any attention to her just standing in her jeans and sports bra. She tries to cover herself with her arms feeling a little exposed.

He walks over taking her arms away from her body and placing a hand on her side, "Blimey, Dot, what happened?"

He pushes the toilet lid down and sits her down before kneeling in front of her with a cloth and bowl of warm water. He lifts it to her forehead and wipes away the blood that has formed around the small cut.

"We were cornered, they knew it was happening." She says watching him bite his tongue as he moves the cloth down the side of her face and across her jaw line ridding any extra blood.

"That slimy git, took one look at Voldemort and Disapparated, me and Mad-Eye were left to fend for ourselves. I got separated from him, a bunch of Death Eaters cornered me above London. Hit me out of the sky, lost my broom, barley managed to land properly."

She winces when he moves to the cut on her lip, "Mad-Eye went down after me, I saw it happen. It was three against one, I managed to out run them and disapparate to the Ministry to confuse them."

"That was smart."

"I've been known to have my moments."

He leaves the bathroom, returning moments later with a cream Molly had given him that will help with her bruise.

He sighs and shakes his head as he looks at the large black and purplish bruise, "So, what's the diagnosis, Doc?"

"I diagnose you with beauty."

She smiles at him as he kneels in front of her again, "So," She drags out trying to think of something to talk about, "You busy tomorrow?"

He raises a brow at her, "Maybe, why?"

She shrugs, "You see, I've got this wedding I'm going to, and I need a plus one."


"Yeah. I was thinking of asking my idiot best friend."

She pauses and winces as he spreads the cream over the bruise, "So, I idiot best friend, wanna be my plus one?"

"I would love to be your plus one, but, I sort of already asked someone to be my date."

Her large grin falters slightly, "Really?"

He grins as he focuses on fixing her up, "Yeah, I asked Black."

"You asked your Pygym Puff to be your date to your brother's wedding?"

"Yes, and luckily for you, she said she already has a date?"

"Weasley?" She asks.

George nods in confirmation, "Weasley."

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