Chapter 5

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"Wow, Mr. Weasley, you clean up quite nice."

George smirks as he turns around but the smirk instantly falls as he takes in Dorothy. She has on a light purple, lacy dress and her hair is tied back allowing a few strands to fall down and frame her face.

She wears a pair of purple converse- Fleur had allowed her to since she kept falling over in the heels she wore. At the Yule Ball she ended up taking them off to dance half way through the night, resulting in a lot of people stepping on her toes.

Her smile falters when she takes in his facial features, "What?"


"Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head and gulps slightly, "Nope, everything's perfect."

"Dottie, hurry, hurry, come on, dear." Molly says ushering the girl towards the tent.


Dorothy smiles as she watches Fleur and Bill dance in the middle of the crowd.

Abrielle, Fleur's little cousin, stands beside Dorothy, the young girl has taken quite a shine to the Black girl and has been standing beside her for the last half hour. But she doesn't mind, she enjoys the company the little girl gives her.

"Dottie?" Abrielle asks looking up at her through her lashes, "Will you dance with me?"

"I don't know if that a good idea." George says appearing beside them.

"Two left feet, she's got." Fred says appearing the other side.

Dorothy grins, "How about you dance with George? He's a really good dancer, better than Fred, and you saw him dancing earlier. Then I'll dance with you later? Deal?"

George turns to her attempting to protest but she grins as Abrielle grips his hand and drags him to the dance floor, "Look out, she's stealing your man."

"Ha ha- He's not my man."

"Not yet." Fred says with a wink as he walks away.

She shakes her head at him watching him leave as Gabriel, another one of Fleur's cousins walks up to her.

The eight year old gives her a toothy grin and offers his hand, "Care to dance, milady?"

She smiles and accepts his outstretched hand.

George watches as he dances with Abrielle, he smiles softly as Dorothy laughs and twirl Gabriel around, "Are you two in love?" Abrielle asks innocently staring up at him.

He blinks and chokes on air as he moves his gaze away from Dorothy, "W-What?"

"Are you and Dottie in love?"

He splutters for a moment trying to find an answer in his head.

He'd never thought about it before, of course he loves her but he's never thought about it before, is he in love with her?

He thinks of everything he loves about her. The smell of her apple shampoo and daisies perfume, the way she's so competitive and such a good team member. How she can make a group with nothing in common come together for a few minutes. The way her eyes sparkle when someone says the word 'dangerous' or when she talks about Quidditch and magical creatures.

Then he realises it-

"Can I have this dance, Mr. Weasley?"

He looks down to see Abrielle has left and then looks back up to meet a pair of grey eyes.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

He smiles ridding all thought from his head as he focuses on the song. He takes her hand in his large, rough ones and places the other on her hip.

"George?" Dorothy asks quietly as she leans forward and rests her head on his chest.

He wraps his arm around her waist, and she wraps her arms around his back as he rests his cheek on top of her head, "Yeah?"

The pair slowly sways to the soft music as people fill the dance floor around them.

"What do you think will happen now?"

"I don't know, Dot, I don't know." He says quietly.

Before the pair can even finish their dance a white ball shoots into the tent, they jump back in surprise and he pushes her behind himself. "It's a Patronus." She whispers mostly to herself, only a few guests actually hear her.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming..."

People begin to disapparate as other guest run around widely, Bill and Fleur hold onto each other as Death Eaters swarm into the tent.

Harry grips his wand and attempts to help fight but Remus pushes him back, "Harry, go!"

Hermione grabs Harry and Ron before quickly disapparating away.

Dorothy grips her wand and fights of Death Eaters, "Pitrifcus Totalus!"









A whirlwind of spells get thrown back and forth, the Order work together to fight them off blocking and throwing as many spells and hexes they can. "Protego!"

"Dot!" George yells over the chaos.

He lost sight of the blonde long ago, "Dot!"

Dorothy stands outside the tent, her wand clutched tightly as she hears the cackle of a witch in the distance followed by the howl of a werewolf and a few men laughing.

She creeps forward, breathing uneven as she has been chasing them for the past five minutes. The grass around the Burrow moves as the Death Eaters change their positons. All of their gazes locked on the girl.



She manages to barley block the spell. The sound of a fight inside the tent still going on makes her keep her senses high, preparing for an attack from any direction.

Charlie spots Dorothy outside the tent and runs outside to stand beside her, "How many?"

"Five, maybe four- Expelliarmus!"



"Incendio!" The duo manage to take out three of the four Death Eaters.


The spell hits Charlie square in the chest sending him flying backwards. A cackle comes from the distance, she runs forward pushing through the long grass.

George runs outside and kneels beside his brother who groans, "Charlie? Charlie, are you okay?"

He nods, "Fine, Dottie, she ran off. Chased after the last one."

In the distance a green and red light can be seen battling against each other casting sparks into the air. Remus and Tonks run out behind them soon followed by Arthur and Ginny.

The five take off running towards the sparks just as a large gust of wind sends them backwards and a large boom is heard in the distance.

George is quick to get back to his feet and take off running, "Dot? Dot!"

He collapses to his knees beside her unmoving figure and gently moves the hair from her face. He mutters under his breath quickly as he shakes her gently, "Please, please, please."

She gasps and sits upright coughing as she does, "Did I get 'em?" She asks weakly.

He chuckles slightly and wipes the dirt from her face. George looks over his shoulder to see the Death Eater laying on the floor, Remus and Arthur are lifting her up and dragging her away to where they are keeping the others, "Yeah, you got 'em."

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