Chapter 8

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Harry looks around at the mixture of shocked and disappointed gazes on him, "I-I..."

George sends him one last glare before taking off in the direction of his best friend hoping to find her.

"Dot! Dot!"

He walks through the long grass until he finally finds her, sat in a small clearing, covered by the greenery, "Dot?" He whispers.

She flinches at his voice and her eyes snap upwards to meet his as he slowly kneels in front of her. Dorothy looks away and avoids his eye as he sits in front of her.

George gently takes her face in his hands and forces her to meet his eye, "Dot? Why didn't you tell me? Who did that to you?"

"Lestrange," She says quietly, "My own aunt carved into my flesh and laughed as I begged for her to stop."


"At the Ministry, i-it's how I went missing."

"Dear niece." Bellatrix mused as she appeared in front of Dorothy. She grabbed the blondes arm and apparated them away from the others.

"Stupefy." The stunning spell hit Dorothy in the back making her fly forward.

A cackle could be hear as Bellatrix skipped towards her swinging her wand around in her hand, "Oh, dear, dear, Dottie. A disgrace to the family name, you know, your father is awfully disappointed in you."

She kneeled on her chest and spread her arm out across the floor, "Do you know what blood traitors get?"

Dorothy whimpered as she felt the cold metal against her skin, "They get permanent reminders of the filth they are."

A scream rippled through the air as the knife pierced into her skin.

Bellatrix cackled as she finished the last few letters, a bright light flashed behind her and a few spells are called before she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Remus kneeled in front of her as she sobbed, "You're okay, you're okay." He repeated as he helped her into a sitting position.

He wrapped an arm around her small frame, helping her stand up as they apparated back to the others. They watched as Bellatrix apparated onto a rock and then shot Sirius with the killing curse. Her wound was long forgotten as she pounced forward trying to reach for her cousin, "No!"

George takes Dorothy in his arms as he rubs up and down her back, she sobs quietly, her body shaking as she cries, "Remus knew?" He asks quietly.

She nods, "I-I asked him not to say anything."

The grass rustles as Ron, Fred, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley appear behind them.

"He's really sorry, Dottie." Ron says quietly.

She pulls away from George while sniffling and wiping her eyes, Mrs. Weasley kneels down and carefully takes her arm, "Why didn't you tell us, dear?"

George gets up and stands beside his twin watching as their mother wraps her arms around Dorothy and leads her back towards the others who have been able to control the flames of the house.

"Is she okay?" Harry asks appearing behind them watching the Black's back disappear in through the grass.

George scowls at him, "Yeah, no thanks to you."

"I am sorry, I didn't mean-"

"There's no point in saying it to us, Harry, its Dottie you want to apologise to." Ron tells him as he walks away with his siblings.

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