Chapter 4

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George and Dorothy creep into the kitchen quietly as Ginny and Harry share and short and sweet kiss.

Linking their arms they lift their mugs of tea to their mouths and take a large sip, "Morning." The pair chimes in usion.

Ginny blushes and walks away with a shake of her head. Harry stands their awkwardly looking at them both.

They both smirk and wiggle their brows at him as he walks away, hitting into the banister as he does.

"Are you just not getting ready today or...?"

Dorothy looks down at her leggings and shirt of George's she stole last night while the pair were stargazing on the porch, "The wedding's not for a few hours, I still have to help set up, help Molly cook, have a shower, help Fleur get ready and then I can get ready."

"You'll have barley anytime. Don't girls take like, three hours?"

"One, that's sexist and two, it takes literally two minutes to change."

Hermione walks through the kitchen grabbing a piece of toast, "It's actually a hidden talent of hers, changing in under sixty seconds."

Dorothy grins and points at the brunette as she walks away a piece of toast now between her teeth.


"Little higher."

"Just a little bit higher."

"Left, left, left. No, Fred, left... that's right."

"Dottie, a little to the back on your side, bit more, bit more... Perfect!"

Dorothy steps back between the twins and watches the tent finally drift into place. "Bloody hell, what's the Minister of Magic doing here?"

They watch the Minister walk past them and towards Harry who stands there awkwardly watching from a distance. "I don't trust him."


"The Minister."

The pair share a side along glance and nod in agreement. "Dot."



She shrieks as a stream of water shoots out from George's wand, "George Weasley!"

"Now you don't have to take a shower."

"I'm going to hex you into oblivion!" She threatens grabbing her wand from her sock.

His eyes widen as he attempts to flee, "I'm sorry, Dot. Come on!" He says through a fit of giggles.

The crowd that were helping Arthur set up watch in amusement as Dorothy's lion Patronus pounces onto George making him fall over.

George gets hoisted into the air by his ankles making everyone laugh even louder, "Dot! That's not fair!"

"You soaked me, I'm freezing!"

"You're always cold!"

"That's not the point!"

"Truce?" He offers.

She raises a brow and drops him causing him to fall to the floor with an 'oomph'.

He watches her walk towards him with a smirk, "Dot, don't." He warns.

"You brought this on yourself."

"But look, I'm already dressed and ready for the day, come on, Dot, you can't-"

She wraps her arms around him soaking his clothing with a grin. She rests her head against his chest, her wet hair soaking his tie, he sighs and rests his chin on top of her head, "Better?"


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