Chapter 10

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Angelina finally gets up from the desk after putting the finishing touches to her makeup, "George asked Alicia to the dance."

"He asked," Dorothy says, "I said no."


She shrugs, "He was too late, I've got a date."

"Did Cedric ask you, I heard he was asking around to see if you had a date."

She grins and shrugs again, "You'll see."

"I also heard that Slytherin Chaser, Pucey wanted to ask you." She shrugs again and slips into their bathroom to get changed.

"Hey, Dottie, I'm gonna meet you down there, Fred's waiting!"



George watches his brother whisk Angelina into the crowd of dancing people as he stands beside his date.

His eye catches sight of a girl in a silver dress matching her eyes, his eyes widen when he sees Dorothy.

Her hair is done up nicely and she isn't wearing the worn down trainers she always wears.

It must have taken the girl hours to coax her into wearing a dress as she never wants to wear one.

Her eye lids are painted a light grey to match the specks in her eyes and she has a bright smile on her lips as she dances with her date.

He lifts her into the air and twirls her around, she looks down at him, her eye shining in the light.

He scowls at her date, a boy he got on quite well with when they chatted in the corridors.

Phillip, Victor Krum's best friend. He had a line of girls following him around and he had to choose the one girl George actually wanted to take.

Ginny and Neville finally take a break from the dance, Neville goes to get drinks as Ginny follows her brothers gaze.

"She hates wearing dresses, it took me and Hermione threatening to burn her Little Women book for her to finally cave."

George chuckles and nods. He watches as the song changes and people change partners. Dorothy smiles as she dances with her little brother who is saying something, probably about her embarrassing him.

George watches her eyes light up as she twirls around, Draco rolls his eyes and laughs at a joke she had just said, probably about her two left feet and just as he thinks it, she stumbles and steps on her brother's foot making the both of them laugh a little louder.

"Care to dance?" He asks Alicia who nods.

"Ow, Dottie, that's my foot."

Dorothy winces and offers sheepish smile, "Sorry, Dray."

"What did you even do in those dancing lessons?" He questions.

She shrugs, before she can answer the song changes and Draco goes onto another partner, she twirls around and lands right in the arms of the boy she's barely spoken to the last week. "Hi."

"Hey." She smiles up at George as they dance.

"I'm sorry I used you as a last resort, but I really did want to go with you."

She smiles again, a little bigger this time, "I'm sorry I called you an idiot."

"You didn't."

"Oh, I did, behind your back, many times, even before this year... what is in the pumpkin juice?" She questions as she suddenly blurts out the truth.

He chuckles and twirls her around before dipping her down and then back up, "How's your date with Philip?"

She shrugs, "Good, he's really nice."

"How'd you end up going with him?" George questions.

He grabs onto her waist and lifts her up into the air, "The person I wanted to go with didn't ask me."

"Who is that?"

She shrugs and looks over his shoulder, "Doesn't matter, but he seems to be having a good time."

As the song finishes George gives her one last twirl, "You look really pretty." He compliments quietly as people leave the dance floor to get drink.

She ducks her head down to hide the growing blush, "You look really pretty too."

"Ah, Dottie." She smiles when she sees Philip approaching.

George forces a smile of his own although he despises the Bulgarian for some unknown reason, "Well, my dates waiting. Thanks for the dance." She watches him leave and then turns back to her date.


Dorothy smiles widely as she says goodbye to Philip, he walks away, a large smile on his own face. She twirls around and walks towards the Gryffindor common room with a large grin on her face.

She quietly walks into the common room, still dancing and humming to herself as she does.

"Just got back?"

She yelps as she finds Hermione sitting on the sofa, red and puffy eyes. "'Mione, what's wrong?" She questions as she hurries over to the girl.

"Ron ruined everything." She turns to the older girl who she considers a sister and wraps her arms around her.

Dorothy sighs and grabs the blanket from behind them wrapping it around the fourth year.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it, you know how jealous he can get when someone takes his friends away. He's grown up in a house of seven all his life and has had to share everything."

Hermione sniffles and leans back against the sofa allowing the fire to warm her up, "Did your date go good?"

"Yeah," She smiles, "Yeah, it did."

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