Chapter 11

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George's foot taps against the floor as he looks around the changing area, "Where is she?"

"Relax, Georgie, she's probably at the library with Granger or something." Fred says.

"I don't know, she's never late to Quidditch. Johnson, where's Dot?" He asks leaning over to the Chaser.

Angelia shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, she never came back last night, and according to Brown, neither did Granger, they're probably fine."

"All right, listen up," Oliver calls for their attention, "If we play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker and smarter."

"And not to mention they're dead scared that Harry'll petrify them if they fly anywhere near him."

"Well, that, too, now where's Malfoy?"

"This match has been cancelled." Professor McGonagall says as she walks over to them stopping the team going any further.

"They can't cancel Quidditch."

"Silence, Wood. You and your team-mates will go to Gryffindor Tower now. Potter."

The team complain as they follow their Captain through the school grounds and towards the tower.


The Weasley twins stand in the corner of the common room, both of them keeping their eyes open for their blonde friend, "Could I have your attention?" McGonagall calls as she walks into the room, "Because of recent events, these new rules will be out into effect immediately."

She clears her throat before reading from the parchment in front of her, "'All students will return to their house common room by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions'. I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed."

The common room falls silent, "Weasley."

"Which one, Professor?" Percy asks.

"All of you, follow me please, quickly." Ron turns to Harry and offers a pat on the shoulder before following after their Head of House.

"What is it, Professor? Is Mum and Dad alright?" Percy asks.

"It's not your parents, Percy. Dorothy Malfoy has been living with you over the summer is that correct?"

"Yeah," Percy clarifies, "Been through some stuff at her house, so Mum let her stay for a while."

McGonagall sighs as she leads the five red heads into the Hospital Wing, "Miss. Malfoy was found last night with Miss. Granger... petrified."

She pulls back a curtain to reveal Dorothy laying on the bed, her eyes wide and her mirror clutched in her hand. Fred and George run forward taking a seat by her side. "They must have been studying together." Ron says sadly as he walks up beside her.

Ginny sighs and walks over, pushing the blonde hair from her face, "Will she be okay?"

"Professor Sprout is working on an antidote as we speak. I've informed your parents, I'm waiting on an owl back, I'm about to inform Mr. Malfoy."

"He won't care." George says leaning back in his chair as he rests his hand atop of Dorothy's.

The doors burst open revealing Professor Snape and Draco, "The other, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco runs forward pushing past Percy and Ron, "Where is she?"

He stops at the sight of his older sister laying wide-eyed in the hospital bed, a look of fear clear on her pale face, "What happened to her?" He demands, "Why can't you fix her?"

"Mr. Malfoy, there are many other students who have been petrified just like your sister, the antidote is being made as we speak, she will be fine. However, if we continue to stand here, we will not be, now, back to bed, all of you."

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