Chapter 11

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"Harry Potter is dead!"


Dorothy clenches her eyes shut at the sound of Ginny's broken yell. Arthur reaches forward and brings his daughter back beside the other Weasley's.

She stands motionless glaring at her parents who stand opposite her on the other side. George stands beside her, his gaze forward but his hand slowly edges towards hers. They take each other's hands slowly giving small squeezes for insurance.

"Harry Potter is dead! From this day forth, you put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort spreads his arms out in front of him as he turns to the Death Eaters.

The group laughs loudly, the Dark Lord joining in. Narcissa holds back a startled gasp as she sees her daughter for the first time in six years.

Her eyes are tired with dark circles underneath, her hair is matted and full of dirt no longer the vibrant blonde, her face is cut and bruised, splatters of blood, not just her own but of loved ones and enemies too.

The mother can see the pain behind her child's gaze, she's lost so much already. It makes her reach out for her husband's hand as she continues to watch her daughter stare at Voldemort with hatred.

"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die."


Dorothy's eyes snap towards Lucius who is watching his son, she catches her mother's gaze and shakes her head slowly, begging for her to not call out for him, begging for her to let him be the good guy for once.

"Draco." The stern voice of Lucius fills the air again.

"Draco," Narcissa says softly, sending an apologetic look to Dorothy who shakes her head and scoffs under her breath, "Come."

She does a double takes when Draco begins to silently step forward avoiding the eye of his classmates.

She watches with her lips turned down and a frown between her brows, "Draco."

At the sound of her broken and pleading voice he pauses in his steps, turning his head slightly to look at her as she shakes her head at him. "I'm sorry."

He continues forward, swallowing hard when he reaches Voldemort who brings him into an awkward hug. Narcissa wraps her arms around him and brings him to the front of the Death Eaters, away from Voldemort and his sister's hard and betrayed gaze.

George places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes slightly, she bites her tongue to hold back the sob threatening to come out.

Neville limps forward making everyone stare at him in disbelief, "Well, I must say, I hoped for better. And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom."

The Death Eaters erupt in laughter as he lowers his head, "Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."

"I-I'd just like to say something."

Voldemort stares at him but allows him to talk nonetheless, "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'll all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter Harry's gone-"

"Stand down, Neville."

"People die every day! Friends, family, yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here. And so is Fred, Remus... Tonks... All of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us. This is not over!"

Neville grabs the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat making people's eyes widen.

Suddenly, Harry drops from Hagrid's arms making the crowd gasps. "Potter!" Draco tosses is wand to the brunette before running back to his sister.

Dorothy smacks him over the back of the head when he stops beside her, she shakes her head at him and hugs him quickly before sending a quick spell to an oncoming Death Eater.

They run into the castle to join the fight, the siblings separating to take on different parts.

Spotting Bellatrix moving in on Ginny she jumps in front of her, "Protego!" The pair yell in usion.

The two girls share a look as Bellatrix cackles; Molly pushes the pair behind her with wild eyes as she stares Bellatrix down.

"Not my daughters, you bitch!"

George and Arthur both step in front of them watching as Molly advances on Bellatrix.

The black haired woman casts curses at Molly who easily blocks them before sending her own spells right back.

Bellatrix gasps as a spell hits in her in the stomach before another spell makes her turn to dust and float away.

Molly turns to look at the four pairs of wide eyes with a smirk and proud look on her face, "Bloody brilliant." Dorothy comments.


The war is won, Voldemort is gone.

Dorothy sits on the steps of the courtyard staring out at the school before her, the girl is tired, hoping she'll finally have a full night's sleep, but she knows with all the death she's seen today, it'll be very unlikely.

The sound of scuffing shoes behind her notifies her that someone is getting closer, barley turning her head she spots the flaming red hair.

George silently sits beside her and takes her hand, the pair continue to look over the courtyard in silence.

Neither say a word, because they don't need to, they know the other is there, and they won't be leaving for a long time.

A very long time.

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