Chapter 11

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"And Dottie Black scores again, the score is now 130-20 to Gryffindor."

Dorothy pumps her fist in the air as she cheers, the crowds around her scream her name, "Black! Black! Black!"

She grins as she spots Draco with a small red and yellow flag and a permanent scowl on his face.

Diving down she grabs the Quaffel from the opposing Chaser, when she spots the twins with 'Black' written on their cheeks it makes her smile widen as she shoots towards the goals.

Although they lost both their beaters and their seeker, Gryffindor are currently the team to beat and their last game is Hufflepuff for the Quidditch cup.

With Dorothy's intense training programme, they've been up early hours almost every morning. But the entire team are too afraid to say anything in fear they'll get hexed.

"And Black passes to Spinnet, who passes to Johnson, who passes back to Black who passes to- Spinnet scores!"

Dorothy holds her hand up and high fives Alicia as she flies past.

Out of nowhere a Bludger comes flying at Dorothy hitting her directly in the rib cage, making her cry out. She grips her broom tighter as she flips around.

Resting her forehead against the bottom of the broom she uses all of her energy to swing herself back around just as the same Bludger hits into the same spot.

This time she manages to stay upright in the broom and dive down away from the bewitched Bludger.

She flies upwards, catching the Quaffel as she does. She dodges both Bludgers sent her way and fakes right before throwing the Quaffel into the left hoop.

"And Black scores again! 80-10!"

The game goes on for another hour, Dorothy holds onto her side which burns with every breath she takes. She manages to score another three goals for her team while trying her best to stay awake with the pain in her side.

"Dot!" She hears the scream to late, a Bludger hits her right in the face breaking her nose and cutting her lip.

Her eyes widen as blood pours from her nose, she falls from her broom landing roughly on the ground that was luckily not too far away.

But then she hears those words, "Gryffindor has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins the house cup!"

All pain leaves as she throws her hands in the air from where she lays on the ground. The team land around her and lift their Captain into the air.

She lets out a cry of pain as they set her back down mumbling out apologies.

Dorothy limps through the field and towards the changing room, she takes her place on top of the bench as her team, old and new, walk in.

"We did it!"

The crowd of Gryffindor's cheer, "All the hard work, the months of early training, long trainings hours and the amount of effort we put into it, payed off. We did it! We finally won the Quidditch cup!"

"Black! Black! Black!"

"Miss. Black," The crowd goes quiet as Professor McGonagall appears, a smile spreads across her face, "Congratulations. Can I speak with you please?"

She nods and follows the older witch out of the tent, "Miss. Black, this is Gwenog Jones."

Dorothy's jaw drops and she stutters for a moment, she reaches out shaking her hand and continues to stare with wide eyes, "I-It's an hour, Ms. Jones. I'm a huge fan I have your poster on my wall, I'm shaking your hand for too long, aren't I?"

Gwenog chuckles, "I've been watching you since your second year, you're quite the Chaser."

"The Gwenog Jones has been watching me play?" She asks.

McGonagall grins at the enthusiastic girl, "I keep an eye out on all players with potential. The Holyhead Harpies are in need of a new Chaser, currently we have five people who we are keeping tabs on for this position."

"After seeing what you did today, playing with an obvious few broken ribs. And, also the fact you've had a month to get three new players and reorganise the team just proves, you are the only choice."

"So, Dorothy Black, I'm offering you the spot as the Holyhead Harpies new Chaser when you finish school?"

Dorothy looks between her Head of House and the Captain, she chuckles and nods her head vigorously, "Yes! Yes, oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I promise I will not let you or the team down!"

Gwenog grins and pats her on the shoulder, "I'll owl you at the end of your school year."

Before she leaves she turns back to look at her, "And, uh, Dorothy, you have a little blood..." She gestures to her whole face and Dorothy reaches up with her sleeve finally registering the blood on her face.

"Thank you again, Ms. Jones!"

Dorothy turns away a large smile still on her face, "Holy Sh-"

"Miss. Black," Professor McGonagall quickly interrupts, "Your team has gone back to the common room."


The party goes silent as the bloodied Captain steps through the portrait hole. She looks up from the floor, her eyes wide and face blank.


"You are looking at," She pauses and a smile breaks onto her face, "The new Holyhead Harpies Chaser!"

George laughs and runs over picking her up into the air and twirling her around, she giggles as she sets her down which soon turns into a broken cough. The team walks over, clapping her on the back and complimenting her and Ginny gives her a large hug.

"Dot," She turns to see find George behind her, "You might wanna-" He gestures to her blood covered face and her limp. Although the others may not have noticed, he saw the small wince when she moved.

"Let's get you to Pomfrey."


Dorothy sits on a hospital bed swinging her legs back and forth as George holds a cloth to her nose, "Now, Dottie, I know you don't like this sort of thing, but you're going to have to drink a potion."

Dorothy opens her mouth to protest but is instantly silenced, "Mr. Weasley, I leave this to you, stun her if you have to, there's no way she'll heal properly without this."

"I know you're lying!" She calls after the Healer.



"Why don't you like drinking potions?"

Dorothy sighs and twirls the ring on her finger around in circles, "I-I...uh..."

She closes her eyes and looks down at her feet, "When I was a kid, my father's form of punishment for me and Draco was different potions. Some would make you sick, some would make horrible boils appear on us, others were worse."

George grabs her hand and squeezes, "If the other couldn't create the antidote we'd have to be like that for a few days. I-It's why I refuse to drink any potions and work so hard to learn in Snape's lessons, so..."

"So you know how to get the right antidote."

Dorothy nods and gulps and she lifts the potions to her lips, "Hey," George says placing his hand over her shaking one, "I promise, nothing will happen to you, not if I'm here."

She smiles at him and closes her eyes before quickly downing the potion and shaking her head when it trickles down her throat, "Thank you."

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