Chapter 2

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"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack."

Dorothy throws her bag under the nearest bed after grabbing her face paints and Irish colours. "Ron, out of the kitchen, we're all hungry."

The twins sit in the kitchen, leaning back in their chairs to rest their feet on the table, "Yeah, get out of the kitchen!"

"Feet off the table!"

"Feet off the table." They repeat taking their feet off the table only to put them back seconds later when Arthur turns his back to them.

Dorothy appears by the table, face paints in her hands, "Who's first?"

After finishing up everyone's face paint, she sits in the chair as George stands before her with a smirk, "Please don't mess it up, I did yours nicely."

He lifts her up onto the kitchen table so he can reach her without bending all the way over, she swings her legs back and forth kicking him in the knee a few time.

"Stop." He complains placing a hand on her knee to stop her kicking as he gently moves her face with the other hand.

Her breath catches in her throat at how close he gets to her, "Who did you want?" He asks stepping back slightly to look into her eyes.

"Lynch." She answers quietly while staring into his brown eyes.

He nods and takes the green paint, he slowly paints a large 'A' on right cheek and then an 'L' on her left.

One of her favourite players since she was a kid is Aidan Lynch, even though her favourite team is the all women team Holyhead Harpies, her favourite players are Aidan Lynch, Mullet and Gwenog Jones.

George pulls back to look at his work, he clears his throat and stands up fully lacing a smile on his face, "All done."

"Thanks, Georgie."


"Blimey, dad, how far up are we?"

"Put it this way," The voice makes Dorothy freeze in her steps and eyes widen, from her sudden stop, Fred smacks right into the back of, "If it rains you'll be the first to know."

"Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

Lucius hits his cane into Draco's stomach making Dorothy clench her jaw, "Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people."

Harry gestures for the others to go on and they all slowly do, Dorothy looks down at her father and makes eye contact, before she can even think about saying anything George steps in front of her braking the eye contact and pushing her forward.

They climb up the next few steps until they finally reach their seats right at the top, "Better than the Bloody Ministers box, can see everything up here." She says leaning over the edge.

Arthur's eyes widen when she leans a little too far but luckily the twins are already there holding her back from falling, already knowing they would have to.

"Maybe having Dottie all the way up here wasn't such a great idea." Ron says as he watches her try to lean over the edge again only to get dragged back.

Suddenly, the Irish team fly in above them, a burst of green, white and orange fills the stadium as fireworks go off and form their mascot doing the Irish jig. "Look, it's Lynch!" She cheers happily.

"There's Troy!"

"And Mullet!"

"And Moran!"

The crowd chant as they do a round of the stadium, "Here come the Bulgarians!"

The red and black robed team fly through the Irish mascot as red and black takes over the stadium. "Who's that?" Ginny questions.

"That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world."

"Victor Krum." Dorothy muses.

The crowd chants as the Bulgarians take their side of the pitch, "Good evening! As Minister of Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match... begin."

A white lights leaves his wand allowing the teams to begin.

As the game goes on Dorothy begins to shiver from the cold, George notices and pulls her large green and white hat down over her ears, "You cold?"

She nods, her teeth chattering too loud for her to answer, he chuckles and wraps his scarf around her neck. She smiles up at him, they hold each other's gaze for a moment before George clears his throat and turns back to the match.

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