Chapter 9

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Neville sighs and lowers his wand, "I'm hopeless."

Harry rubs his shoulder, "You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus!"


"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's a wizard's bread and butter, really. So, come on then, Nigel."


Both Harry and Nigel get sent backwards, Harry sits up and nods with a proud smile.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

"Thanks, Ronald."

Dorothy offers a thumbs up to Hermione who nods back at the older witch, "One Sickle." Fred says from beside her.

"You're on." George answers.

She ignores the twins betting and focuses on the pair in front of her, "Stupefy!"

Ron yelps as he gets sent back a few feet. "I let her do that," He tells the trio, "It's good manners, isn't it?"

"Don't worry, Dot, I'll try not to hurt you and ruin your chances of being a world famous auror and Quidditch Captain." George says sarcastically.

Dorothy pulls her wand out of her bun and twirls it between her finger with a smirk, "Don't worry, Georgie, I'll try not to touch your pretty face."

George turns bright red and she chuckles, "Stupefy!"

He gets sent back landing hard on his back, she places her wand back into her hair and winks at Hermione and Ginny as she stands back beside them.


"Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more, believing in yourself."

Dorothy stands opposite Harry, the pair of them with matching smirks, "Expelliarmus!"

Harry's wand shoots into the air and he nods at Dorothy who grins wider.

"So, that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. So, just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And, well done everyone. Great, great work."

"Well done, Harry, you did great." Dorothy squeezes his shoulder as she passes.


"Dottie... Dottie, wake up, Professor McGonagall wants to see us."

She groans and stretches disturbing the sleeping pug at the bottom of her bed. "Ginny?"

Ginny nods and pulls the girl up, "W-What's going on?"

She looks behind them to see Fred and George standing in her dorm room doorway, Angelina sleeps softly at the other end of the room, her light snores filling the silence.

She reaches down and pulls on her slippers, George tosses her a jumper and she throws it on before grabbing Leia and wrapping her arms around the pug.

McGonagall leads them to Dumbledore's office, after muttering the password they climb the stairs to find Ron, Harry and Dumbledore.

Dorothy furrows her brows when she catches a sniff of something familiar, fireworks and autumn breeze. She looks around the office and tries to discreetly sniff again. Then she looks down at what she's wearing, George's Quidditch jumper.

Her cheeks turn a light pink and her eyes widen as she looks up at the red head who has half closed eyes. George yawns a little and turns to pet Leia's head, the pug stretches in her owner's arms and nuzzles herself into George's palm.

"In the dream were you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asks snapping their attention back to the reason they're awake so early in the morning.

"Neither, it was like I... Will you please just tell me what's happening?"

"Everard, Arthur's on guard duty tonight. Make sure he's found by the right people." He orders a portrait.


"Phineas, you must go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place, tell them Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children will be arriving there soon by Portkey."

Dorothy furrows her brows and steps forward, "Will someone please tell us what's going on? What's wrong with Arthur?"

Dumbledore turns to her to answer but before he can Everard returns to his frame, "They've got him, Albus. It was close, but they think he'll make it. What's more ,the Dark Lord failed to acquire it."

"Oh, thank Goodness. Next we need to-"

"Look at me!" Everyone falls silent and looks over at Harry who is breathing heavily, "What's happening to me?"

"You wished to see me, headmaster?" Snape asks as he appears in the doorway.

"Oh, Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even until the morning. Otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable."

Snape escorts Harry out leaving just the Weasley's and Dorothy, "Miss. Black, will you be accompanying the Weasley's?"

"Yes." The Weasley's chorus making her blink, she shrugs and nods anyway.

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