Chapter 11

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Dorothy yawns as she walks into the common room. It's almost midnight, meaning she's been helping Professor Lupin set up his classroom for almost five hours.

The pair have formed a sort of bond over the time he has been a teacher, she looks up to him and respects him, he is always happy to help her in any way and answer her many questions she has on Defence Against the Dark Arts that past teaches could not answer. Quirrell, because Voldemort lived in the back of his head. And Lockhart because he was too concerned with himself.

"Where've you been?" A voice asks startling her.

She looks over to see George sitting on the sofa beside the fire casting a glow over his features.

She smiles tiredly and pulls off her Quidditch jumper, "Got to change your bandages, Pomfrey's orders." He says showing her the pot of cream and bandages.

She groans and plops down beside him, "Can't you do it for me?" She asks with a sweet smile.

He rolls his eyes put turns to her anyway, "Does it still hurt?"

"No." He raises brow when she winces in pain as he takes off the sling.

"You're saying one thing and then..."

"Okay," She gives in, "Maybe a little."

He gently unwraps her bandages and grimaces at the stitches a little but hides it from her as she leans back to watch him. She yawns again and holds up the open pot as he gently spreads the cream over the wound.

She flinches when his cold fingers touch her skin, "Sorry," She whispers as he looks over at her, "Your hands are cold."

"Cold hands, cold heart." The pair erupt into soft giggles as George begins to re-wrap her arm.

"Georgie?" He asks softly receiving a hum in response, "Why do you think I'm in Gryffindor?"

He looks up at her with furrowed brows, "Why do you ask that?"

She shrugs and avoids his eye, "I'm not a very brave person," She says quietly before laughing bitterly, "My Boggart is my own father. I'm pathetic."

"You're not pathetic," She looks down at him with an arched brow, "You're not! You're the bravest person I know Dorothy Malfoy."

She smiles and lets her head fall back against the sofa, "All done. You know, Dot, I think you're..." He looks up to find she has fallen asleep, "Asleep." He finishes with a sigh.


Dorothy spots footprints walking towards her and the twins in the snow as they make their way towards them. Unfortunately, the twins got detention, again, so as punishment they weren't allowed to Hogsmede this weekend. Which is why they're building snowmen instead.

The twins grin as they follow her gaze to find the footsteps already knowing they belong to Harry.

They walk past him, grabbing his arms under the cloak and dragging him away with Dorothy skipping behind them.

"Get off me! Ugh, let me go!"

"Clever, Harry, but not clever enough." Fred says.

"Besides," Dorothy adds, "We've got a better way."

Harry struggles under the twin's grip, "I'm trying to get to Hogsmede."

"We know, don't worry. We'll get you there." Fred assures.

George nods as they find a spot by some stairs, "We'll show you a quick way." George adds.

"If you pipe down."


"Bless you."

"Come on, guys." They set him down and pull the invisibility off of Harry.

"Now, Harry, come and joins the big boys," Fred says, Dorothy clears her throat, "And girl."

Harry looks between them all, "What are you doing?"


Fred hands him a piece of parchment as he looks around to make sure no one is listening, "What's this rubbish?"

"What's this rubbish?' He says." Fred mimics, "That's the secret to our success."

George nods as he leans one arm against the banister of the stairs and the other on Dorothy's shoulder, "It's a wrench giving it to you."

"But," Fred interrupts, "We've decided your needs are greater than ours. George, if you will."

He clears his throat and raises his wand to point at the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

A map begins to form on the parchment as Harry reads it out, "Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map."

"We owe them so much."

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts, is that, no... Is that really-?"

"Dumbledore." Fred says.

"In his study." George adds.

"Pacing." Dorothy also adds.

"He does that a lot."

The three nod as Harry raises a brow, "So, you mean this map shows-"



George nods, "Everyone."

"Where they are." Fred says.

"What they're doing." Dorothy says.

"Every minute." George says.

"Of every day."

Harry smiles as he looks back up at them, "Brilliant! Where'd you get?"

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course."

"Our first year, he really needs to learn better ways to keep his office locked."

"There are seven secret passages," George says as he studies the map, "Out of the castle. We'd recommend this one."

Dorothy looks where he's pointing and grins, "The One-eyed Witch passageway."

"It leads straight to Honeyduke's cellar."

"But hurry, Filch's heading this way."

Before Harry can leave Dorothy grabs his arm, "When you're done, give it a tap and say..."

She raises her wand and taps the map as her and the twins speak in usion, "Mischief managed."

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