Chapter 1

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"And you're sure you'll be alright, dear?" Molly asks for the fifth time.

Dorothy nods, again, "Molly, I'll be fine, Bill and Charlie are waiting."

"You can still come with us." She suggests.

Dorothy smiles at the older witch, "Molly," She says placing her hands on her shoulders, "I'll be fine, I'll see you at The Leaky Cauldron once you get back."

Molly nods and grabs the handle of her suitcase she brings Dorothy into a large hug, she steps back allowing the others to say their goodbyes to the blonde. "See you in a few weeks."

Ginny wraps her arms around her and looks up, "I'll bring you back something cool."

"Just yourself will do me." She says hugging back the younger girl.

Ron walks over, Scabbers in his pocket where he has been for the last month, "Don't break your leg when we're not here, please." She rolls her eyes with a small chuckle.

Fred walks over and ruffles her hair like he always does, "See you in a few weeks, Dottieella."

"I still don't like that one."

Fred has been trying out new nicknames for the past month, his personal favourite- and the worst one in Dorothy's opinion- is Dottieella."

"Oh, I know, Polka Dot."

George smiles sadly at her, "You could always come, Bill and Charlie have been missing you too."

"Say hello to them for me, I'll see you soon." He sighs and brings her into a hug resting his chin on her head, the pair stand there for a few minutes, Molly smiling softly at them and nudging Arthur to look.

"I'm telling you, if those two don't get married and have my grandchildren-"

"Mum, they're sixteen years old." Percy complains.

Molly rolls her eyes at her son and goes back to smiling at the couple in front of her, "I'll see you all in a few weeks."

She watches as they apparate away from the Burrow, Leia nudges her leg and she leans over to pick up the black pug. "Come on, we better get packed."


A brown owl taps on Dorothy's window at the Burrow, she smiles finally getting the reply she's been waiting for.

Dear Dorothy Malfoy,

I didn't know I had a cousin either. Mum doesn't talk about her family much, only a few stories of her sisters here and there.

When I told her what had happened to you she told me to reach out right away as she was in a similar situation to yourself.

I'll be in Diagon Alley next week if you would like to meet up for a drink, we can even apparate to Hogsmede for a Butterbeer.

I owled Charlie Weasley, we were quite good friends in school and he told me about you and the twins and how good friends you are. Said you're nothing like a Malfoy.

He also told me how he and his family are going to Egypt so I guess that means you've got the Burrow to yourself, must be nice having all that space.

Charlie said how much alike the two of us are, can't walk in a straight line, can barely stay balance, but hell of a pranker.

If you would like to meet up then meet me at The Leaky Cauldron next Tuesday at twelve o'clock.


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