Chapter 10

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It's been a few weeks since the first attack. The entire school is on edge after Colin, a first year Gryffindor, was found petrified.

Dorothy pushes all thoughts of the attack into the back of her mind as she studies for potions, "Dottie?"

"Hey, 'Mione." She greets the younger girl with a warm smile and gestures to the empty seat opposite her.

It's late so the library is mostly empty, the librarian likes Dorothy as she always compliments the old witch who allows her to keep the keys to the library and lock up once she is done.

"Ron told me you take Care for Magical Creatures, is that right?"

"Ronald would be correct, yes."

Hermione's shoulders seem to relax with relief, "Why did you take it, can I ask?"

"Well, staying at the Weasley's most of my summers and holidays and listening to Charlie talk about the dragons and the things he did while studying at school made me want to take it too. Is there something you need help with?"

Hermione nods quickly, "Actually, I was wondering if you knew anything of a creature called a Basilisk."

"A Basilisk?" She repeats and Hermione nods, "I'm sure I can find something on it, follow me." She closes her potions homework and leads Hermione to the section for Care of Magical Creatures.

Her finger traces along the books in the section stopping on an old green tatted one. "Let's see," She says sitting at the closest table to them, "The Basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents. It is a magical beast that is bred by Dark Wizards."

Dorothy reads, she furrows her brows as she continues to read on, "They can grow up to fifty feet long and are usually a green colour. Herop the Foul was the first to breed a Basilisk; he accomplished this by hatching a chicken egg beneath a toad which resulted in the creature known as a Basilisk."

She marks the page and hands it over to Hermione, "There are more in the same section, I can help you look if you like."

Hermione smiles thankfully as she takes the book, "No thanks, although you're company while I read would be great."

Dorothy gets up from her place and walks back over to her homework, "I'm just over here."

Hermione reappears with a few books in her hand, "It says hear that 'Looking a Basilisk directly in the eye will immediately kill the victim, but indirect looks will merely render them petrified'."

Suddenly it clicks in Dorothy's mind, she looks up from her homework catching Hermione's gaze. "You think that's what is in the Chamber, don't you?"

Hermione nods and tears a page from the book, she begins to write on the page before crumpling it up in her hand, "And, I'm going to find it."

"'Mione." Dorothy hisses as she walks away.

She looks back at the books and flicks her wand allowing them to float back into place, she grabs her bag and shoves her work back inside as she follows after the younger girl, "If you look at it, it'll kill you."

Hermione thinks for a moment before turning to her, "Do you have a mirror on you?"

Dorothy nods and digs into her bag grabbing the small hand mirror that Fred and George had gotten her for her birthday last year.

The pair creep out of the library using the mirror to look around, "Uh, 'Mione?"


"What's that?"

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