Chapter 3

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Fred and George dance in the middle of the room as music plays around them, Dorothy laughs at them as she sits in a small armchair.

George grins and walks over with a mischievous glint in his eye, she shakes her head but he ignores her and walks over.

He pulls her to her feet and she begins to giggle as he twirls her around, the pair dance around the tent with Fred trying to match the pitch and rhythm of the music as he dances by himself.

"There's no-one like Krum!" Ron shouts as he stands on a chair.

"Krum... Krum, Krum!" The twins chant.

George finally lets go of Dorothy who is still in a fit of giggles, "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete."

"Oh, Krum." Fred mocks as he wraps the Irish flag around Ron who pushes it off.

"He's an artist." Ron finishes.

Ginny smirks as she walks over, "I think you're in love, Ron."

"Oh, shut up."

Dorothy, Fred and George begin to sing as the three surround him, "Victor, I love you. Victor I do."

Then Harry joins in, "When we're apart, my heart beats only for you."

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on."

"Stop!" Arthur orders as he runs inside, "It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here, now!"

They leave the tent to see the place on fire and people screaming as they run every which way, "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility. Get back to the Portkey, everybody! And stick together!"

Dorothy franticly looks around as people run past her, someone grabs her hand making her yelp as she gets dragged away, she turns to see George holding onto her as he and Fred hold onto Ginny.

"George, what's happening?" She questions as she trips and almost falls, luckily his hold is strong enough for her to stay up right.

He looks around and shakes his head, "I don't know, Dot, stay close."

They run through the trees finally stopping when they get to the Portkey, George holds onto Dorothy as they wait. He keeps his arms around her at all times afraid if he lets go she'll disappear.

"We're fine," Arthur calls as he and the others appear, "All fine. Are you all okay?"

Finally registering that they're still hugging, Dorothy and George break apart, both of them flustered and clearing their throats as they avoid looking each other in the eye.

"Yep, all good. Peachy, brilliant, amazing."

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