Chapter 5

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Hermione and Dorothy sit on an empty bench, the pair of them reading as people enter and place their name into the Goblet, "That Drumstrang boy was staring at you during breakfast, and lunch." Hermione says.

Dorothy blushes a little but clears her throat as he already has one boy on her mind and does not need another, "What's going on with you and George?" Hermione suddenly asks.


The younger girl rolls her eyes, "It's not nothing, you both keep trying to look at each other when the others not looking. You both blush if you touch for too long, it's weird, did something happen?"

"No. And I don't blush, my skin is just pale so when I get a little warm..." Hermione raises a brow at her, "I don't blush, beside George is just my friend, he and Fred have been my best friends since first year, it'd be too weird."

Hermione shrugs and goes back to reading her book. Cedric walks in and places his name in the Goblet, he offers a nod to Dorothy who gives him an encouraging thumbs up.


Dorothy looks up as the twins run in holding their new aging potion, "Thank you, thank you."

"Well, lads. We've done it!" George cheers, "Cooked it up just this morning."

"It's not going to work." Hermione sings.

The twins raise a brow and kneel down beside her, "Oh, yeah? And why's that, Granger?"

"You see this?" Hermione asks gesturing to the glowing line around the Goblet, "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred questions.

Hermione scoffs and closes her book, "So... a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion."

"That's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted."

They both stand up on the bench and shake their potions, "Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

They link their arm and smile at each other, "Bottoms up."

They smile as the finish the potion and the pair look down to see Dorothy shrug up at them, they jump down over the line and the hall seems to hold their breath. When nothing happens to them, they all cheer, "Yeah! Yes, yes!"

They place their names in the Goblet and wait a few seconds before high fiving, George looks over at Dorothy and she shakes her head before slowly clapping along with everyone else.

Suddenly they get shot back out of the circle and white beards grow on their faces, "You said."

"You said!" The pair wrestle on the floor as Hermione shakes her head and reopens her book.

They all cheer on the fighting twins but go silent as Krum walks in, followed by the fire breather and their headmaster.

He places his name in the Goblet and looks over at Hermione as he leaves making Dorothy nudge her foot.

The fire-breather catches Dorothy's eye and smirks when her cheeks turn a tinge of pink. She clears her throat and stands up, "Better take dumb and dumber to Madam Pomfrey."


Dorothy takes her usual spot between the twins as they wait for the Triwizard champions to be called. "Sit down, please!"

"Now, the moment you've all ben waiting for, the champions selection." With a raise of his hand the fire in the room begins to dim casting a glow of blue from the Goblet.

The fire turns red before shooting out a piece of paper, "The Drumstrang champion is... Victor Krum!" The hall erupts in cheers as he stands and shakes Dumbledore's hand.

Again, the Goblet shoots out paper after turning red, "The champion for Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!"

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

Dorothy cheers loudly and cups her hands around her mouth, she attempts to stand up, accidently hitting the people sat in front of her with her knee as she's brought back down into a sitting position, "Sorry."

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!"

A glowing, blue cup is uncovered and everyone one marvels at the luscious colour. Suddenly, the Goblet begins change into a red again before giving out another piece of paper, "Harry Potter."


Dorothy leans forward to look at Harry who sits two people away from her, "Harry Potter!"

"Go on, Harry," Hermione says, "Harry, for Goodness sake." She pushes him forward and he slowly walks forward.


"He's not even seventeen, yet!"

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