Chapter 7

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Two black smoky figures crash through the Burrow setting it on fire as they do.

Mrs. Weasley quickly ushers out the children as she hears the distant shouts of her husband.

George frantically looks around the small space, "Where is she? Dot! Dot!"

He runs towards the burning building only to be held back by his father as he finally reaches them, "Relax, George, she's smart, she's probably apparated somewhere around here."

The twins share a look as they watch their home burn, "She doesn't have her wand." Ron says quietly as he lifts the black piece of wood he had picked up as he ran out.

George fights back his father making Remus step forward to help him hold back his son. "George! George!"

"I have to help her, please!"

"George, it's no use!"

"No, please!"

"George, just wait, we'll-"

A cough breaks apart the argument and a figure emerges from the flames, Leia jumps from her owners arms and runs towards Ginny who sighs in relief when she sees Dorothy.

George finally manages to break free of their hold and runs towards her, "Are you okay? Dot, you're so stupid, are you okay?" He cups her cheeks and holds her back to look over her for any injuries.

She nods and coughs again, "I couldn't leave Leia."

He sighs in relief and wraps his arms around her small body.

He walks her away from the fire with an arm wrapped around her shoulders, Mrs. Weasley is quick to run over and fuss over her as the others attempt to calm the blazing household.

Harry watches Dorothy as she wraps her arms around herself and avoids looking at everyone, "It was you wasn't it?"

Everyone goes silent as they follow Harry's gaze towards Dorothy whose brows are furrowed, "What was me?"

"You told them I was here."

Dorothy scoffs, "Harry, do you-" Ron tries to say.

"How else did they know I was here?" He cuts off his best friend.

"You think I let Voldemort know you're here?"

He nods, "It all adds up, you've been secretive for months. You arrived after us at the Ministry, after the Death Eaters. You've been wearing long sleeves, even in the summer, making sure they're pulled over your arms."

"You think I'm a Death Eater? You think I wanted them to attempt to murder everyone tonight?"

"Harry, you shouldn't-" Dorothy shakes her head at Remus who is the only person who knows why she's been acting so distant lately, she sighs and takes a step back.

"Yeah, I do, who else would have told them? You're working with your brother, it's why you're both so secretive. It's why you've been visiting the school, isn't it?"

"Harry, I've visited twice, to watch Ron and Ginny try out and their first game. Because they're my family, why would I want Death Eaters try to attempt to kill my family?"

"How else would they know?"


Tonks is cut off by Dorothy's voice, "Oh, I don't know, Harry, maybe because the Weasley's and everyone here tonight are the only people who have taken care of you for the past six years. The only people who have been there and given you a place to stay, they knew you'd be here."

She walks closer to him, her rage clear in her hard and hurt gaze, "I was disowned by my own father for sticking up for you, Harry, I've risked my life along with everyone here to help you and keep you safe. Do you really believe I would betray you now?"

Harry looks her up and down and reaches out, he grabs her hand and uncovers her arm hoping to find a mark or scar of any indication towards the Death Eaters.

He does find a mark, just not the one he wanted.

Instead, carved into her skin are the words, 'Blood traitor'. His eyes widen as he looks up at her, the group watching hold their breath as their eyes catch the still red and scared tissue.

She rips her hand away from him, recovers her arm as she casts a quick glance around at the group surrounding them and storms towards the large grass around the Burrow.

"Dottie!" She ignores the calls after her as she furiously wipes away the tears.

"You're a right git, Harry, you know that?"

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