Chapter 10

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Eyes wide, Dorothy turns to look at George who's expression of shock matches her own, "Y-You what?"

He shakes his head, breaking himself from the trance, "I love you." He repeats, more confident now.

For a moment, panic washes over him as her chest continues to rise rapidly and the battle rages on around them.

He reaches up to tuck the loose strands of hair behind her ear, his hand lingers on her cheek, the rosy blush warming the coldness in his hand.

Suddenly, the space between them seems much closer than it should.

Dorothy's eyes flicker between his looking for any sign of a lie. George holds his breath, waiting for any kind of reaction from the blonde.

He gasps when her lips meet his in a needy and passionate kiss. His strong arms circle around her brining her closer as hers plays with his red hair, tugging on it slightly.

George tastes the tea on her lips and the cherry from her lip balm. His hands cup her cheek and plays with her hair attempting to bring her closer, years of hidden feelings and walking around each other on their tip-toes have been leading to his moment.

They both knew that one day it'd happen, one day they'd admit those feelings burning inside of them.

Maybe their timing was a little off, but better late than never.

Pulling apart they rest their foreheads against each other, their heavy breaths mixing together and fanning each other's lips.

A chuckle escapes the pair as they open their eyes to look at the other, smiles pass between them as she reaches up to push the ginger hair from his eyes, "I love you." She whispers.


Dorothy sighs in relief when she finally finds the pale blonde head again, she jogs up to her brother, casting a quick spell over his shoulder at a Death Eater, "You okay?"

He eyes the smile that hasn't left her face for the past hour and raises a brow, "George?" He asks with a hint of a smirk.

She flushes a deep red and clears her throat before dragging him away from a spell that almost hits him in the back.

"You have fought valiantly... but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

The siblings watch as Death Eaters stop their fighting and walk away, wrapping her arm around Draco she leads them towards the Great Hall with a small limp in her step, "You okay, Dottie?"


"Me too."

People nod to Dorothy as she passes, she nods back watching as families put to rest their loved ones.

Her eyes widen when she spots Remus and Tonks, a few tears escape her eyes as she lets her arm around Draco fall to her side.

Looking beside them she finds the Weasley's huddled over Fred's body. A sob leaves her lips as she stumbles backwards.

Draco rushes to catch her and she turns towards him crying, he wraps his arms around as she cries into his chest.

His lip quivers at the sound of his sister's sobs but he doesn't dare let a tear drop from his eye. He rubs his hand up and down her back soothingly and closes his eyes taking in a deep breath.

Dorothy's body shakes with sobs and strangles cries as she clings to his black suit, reopening his eyes he rests his chin on her shoulder and offers Ron, who looks over with concern, a nod. Ron manages a nod back, shocked by the gesture of the youngest Malfoy sibling.

Hearing the faint sobs behind him George turns to look over his shoulder at Dorothy.


His voice is broken and fills the silent hall, reaching her ears she snaps open her eyes. She turns out of Draco's hold falling right into his arms and crumpling to the floor. They kneel in front of each other, her tears soaking his shirt and his tears soaking her hair. Their arms wrap around each other as they mumble sweet nothings.

They pull apart from each other and Dorothy silently turns to Fred's lifeless body. They've stopped crying by now, she turns to face him fully and takes his cold hands.

"Well, Mum, at least now you'll be able to tell us apart." George says before completely breaking down again.

Dorothy wraps her arms around him as he rests his head on her chest, she rocks him back and forth humming quietly as she tries to hold back her own sobs. He clings to her as if she's her last life line. As if he'll let her go and she'll disappear before him.

She runs a hand through his hair and continues to sway him back and forth while softly humming an old muggle song they'd listen to at Grimmauld Place.

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